Maja Ognjenović - Wikipedia
Maja Ognjenović (Serbian Cyrillic: Маја Огњеновић; born 6 August 1984) is a Serbian professional volleyball player of the Serbia women's national volleyball team and a two-time Olympic medalist. She is a five-time Olympian at the setter position.
Maja Gojković - Wikipedia
Maja Gojković (Serbian Cyrillic: Маја Гојковић; born 22 May 1963) is a Serbian politician who has been the president of the Government of Vojvodina since 2024. A member of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), she previously served as president of the National Assembly from 2014 to 2020 and deputy prime minister of Serbia and ...
Maja Ognjenovic (@majaognjenovic10) - Instagram
89K Followers, 1,046 Following, 137 Posts - Maja Ognjenovic 🇷🇸 (@majaognjenovic10) on Instagram: "🥈🥉Olympic medalist x 2 🥇🥇🥈🥈🥈🥉 European medalist x 6 🥇🥉 World medalist x 2 📍🏐 @savinodelbenevolley"
Maja Ognjenović » clubs :: Women Volleybox
Maja Ognjenović (born 6th August 1984) - volleyball player from Serbia who currently plays as setter in Savino Del Bene Volley (Italy). Here are 13 volleyball clubs in which she worked.
Maja Ognjenović - EuroVolley
Maja Ognjenović is a symbol of the women's volleyball national team of Serbia. She was on the court when we won the first major medal with the senior women’s national team back at the 2006 FIVB World Championship.
Маја Гојковић — Википедија
Маја Гојковић (Нови Сад, 22. мај 1963) српска је политичарка и правница. Од маја 2024. врши функцију председнице Покрајинске владе Војводине. Бивша потпредседница Владе и министарка за културу и информисање у Влади Републике Србије, бивша председница Народне скупштине Републике Србије и бивша градоначелница града Новог Сада.
Maja Aleksic (@aleksic_maja) • Instagram photos and videos
Italian LVF 🇮🇹 Maja ALEKSIC 🇷🇸 Una delle migliori muratrici del nostro campionato, scende in campo domani alle 17 CET contro Bergamo 👊 #majaaleksic #igornovara
Maja Aleksić - Wikipedia
Maja Aleksić (Serbian Cyrillic: Маја Алексић; born 6 June 1997, Užice) is a Serbian volleyball player who plays as a middle blocker. [1] She is currently a member of Serbian women's national volleyball team.
Maja Gojković — Википедија
Maja Gojković (Novi Sad, 22. maj 1963) srpska je političarka i pravnica. Od maja 2024. vrši funkciju predsednice Pokrajinske vlade Vojvodine. Bivša potpredsednica Vlade i ministarka za kulturu i informisanje u Vladi Republike Srbije, bivša predsednica Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije i bivša gradonačelnica grada Novog Sada.
Maja Ognjenović: Serbian Volleyball Legend | dayhist
Maja Ognjenović, born on 27th December 1984, is a prominent Serbian volleyball player renowned for her exceptional skills and contributions to the sport. With her dynamic playing style and strategic mindset, Ognjenović has not only made a name for herself in the volleyball community but has also significantly influenced women’s sports in ...
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