Plagianthus divaricatus - Wikipedia
Plagianthus divaricatus or salt-marsh ribbonwood is a bushy shrub endemic to New Zealand with thin twiggy intertwined stems that have small clusters of narrow leaves. Its branches are divaricate in form and it can reach up to 3 m tall. [1] .
Plagianthus divaricatus - Kauri Park
Plagianthus divaricatus is a divaricating species that grows near salt water estuaries and marshlands. The leaves are small and green/brown coloured. This shrub grows to a height of approx. 1.2m. It is used for revegetation around waterways particularly if the water is salty. Suits temperate conditions. Suits coastal conditions. Prefers full sun.
Bald uakari - Wikipedia
The bald uakari (Cacajao calvus) or bald-headed uakari is a small New World monkey characterized by a very short tail; bright, crimson face; a bald head; and long coat. [4]
Makaki — Vikipēdija
Makaki, makaku ģints (Macaca) ir viena no mērkaķu apakšdzimtas paviānu cilts (Papionini) ģintīm, kas apvieno 23 mūsdienās dzīvojošas mērkaķu sugas. Šī ir viena no visplašāk izplatītajām mērkaķu ģintīm pasaulē.
Macaque | Classification & Facts | Britannica
2025年3月12日 · Macaques are robust primates whose arms and legs are of about the same length. Their fur is generally a shade of brown or black, and their muzzles, like those of baboons, are doglike but rounded in profile, with nostrils on the upper surface. The tail varies between species and may be long, of moderate length, short, or absent.
Makakos – Vikipedija
Makakos[1] (Macaca) – primatų (Primates) būrio, šunbeždžionių (Cercopithecidae) šeimos beždžionių gentis. Be žmonių (Homo) genties makakos yra plačiausiai pasaulyje paplitę primatai. Jos paplitusios atogrąžose ir subtropikuose, tik nedidelė japoninių makakų (Macaca fuscata) populiacijos dalis gyvena ir vidutinių platumų klimato zonoje.
Makaka (Plagianthus divaricatus) · iNaturalist
Plagianthus divaricatus or saltmarsh ribbonwood is a plant that is endemic to New Zealand. The Māori name is makaka.
The Nybelmar Makaka Ape ("Elf Whelp")
The Makaka is a small ape of Nybelmar, which has been imported to Sarvonia via Avennorian trade ships and become a popular pet with many sailors of these trading routes. Among Sarvonian humans, they are also known as " elf whelps" for …
Macaca - Wikimedia Commons
2023年11月12日 · Macaca is a Portuguese word for monkey, which when generally used has no racial slur. Yet it is also used by the French (particularly those who had resided in North Africa), and often it is a racial slur directed towards people of darker skin.
Makakové se pravidelně vozí na jelenech a pokouší se s nimi …
V Japonsku byly spatřeny dvě různé skupiny makaků, které se pářily s jeleny sika. Toto chování by mohlo být součástí společné „kultury“ těchto zvířat. V roce 2015 vyskočil na zalesněném japonském ostrově Jakušima samec makaka na hřbet samice jelena sika a …