Make-A-Wish America
Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses – but you can make a child's wish possible. When you donate, you're giving children renewed strength to fight their illnesses, bringing families closer together and uniting entire communities.
Our History - Make-A-Wish Foundation
Tens of thousands of volunteers, donors and supporters advance the Make-A-Wish ® vision to grant the wish of every child diagnosed with a critical illness. In the U.S. and its territories, a wish is granted every 33 minutes.
Make-A-Wish Foundation - Wikipedia
President Barack Obama with Make-A-Wish recipient Nick Wetzel and his older brother Stephan on December 9, 2016. The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in the United States that helps fulfill the wishes of seriously ill children.
What We Do - Make-A-Wish Foundation
Make-A-Wish ® is one of the most recognizable nonprofit brands and leading wish-granting organizations in the world – serving every community in the U.S. and more than 50 countries worldwide. Headquartered in Phoenix, Ariz., Make-A-Wish America, our National Office, is instrumental in guiding wish-granting standards for all U.S. chapters ...
Where it started | The first wish granted | Make-A-Wish - World Wish
In 1980, his Phoenix community came together to make his wish come true. Little did Chris know that his wish would create a movement that would transform millions of lives. Today, Make-A-Wish has been granting life-changing wishes for children and families for over 40 years.
Make-A-Wish grant's teen wish to give back to others - 5NEWS
5 小时之前 · Make-A-Wish grants 13-year-old's wish to give back to local kids like him. Thirteen-year-old Ty deals with pulmonary hypertension, a high blood pressure condition that affects the arteries in the ...
Make-A-Wish Nederland
Make-A-Wish Nederland vervult de liefste wens van kinderen tussen de 3 en 18 jaar met een ernstige, soms zelfs levensbedreigende ziekte.
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Gracias a tu apoyo, Make-A-Wish Perú ha cumplido más de 4 mil deseos ¡Vamos por más! Súmate Si conoces el caso de un niño, niña o adolescente con una enfermedad grave y quieres que viva el poder de un deseo Súmate
Grant Wishes to Children with Critical Illness | Make-A-Wish
Make-A-Wish International helps to serve children outside the United States in 50 countries on 6 continents through its 40 Affiliates