Mako - Monster Girl Island Wikia
Mako makes her debut at the main character’s second day at the island. Ophelia indirectly mentions her when asking the main character to meet a friend of hers at the beach. A few moments latter, just as Ophelia is explaining the main character the functionality of his mobile phone at the island, Mako will call looking for Ophelia.
魔物娘岛屿 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
《魔物娘岛屿》是 Redamz 开发的一款恋爱养成 动♀作 游戏。 在世界的另一面,有几个人所不知的国度,那里没有任何人类,居民、统治者则全是魔物娘。 某天主角由于不知名的原因出现在某座小岛上,醒来时邂逅了一位女性人形AI,礼貌的问候过后,和一个长着龙翼的可怕生物展开了战斗,失去了记忆的主角再度昏迷了过去。 再睁开眼时眼前是陌生的天花板,身边一位用冰冷眼光盯着自己的长着精灵耳,黑皮肤的年轻少女;眼角传来不可无视的视线,再转过头,和床脚一个有 …
Mako - Mermaid Wiki
Mako is a characters from the adult oriented game Monster Girl Island. Native to the Northern Seas, Mako found herself lost in a strange land at a young age. Eydis, the princess of this foreign country took the young mermaid under her care.
Monster Girl Island Wikia - Fandom
Monster Girl Island Is an Lewd (+18) first person Game being Made by Redamz. In this game you play as a male, on an island were the inhabitants are Mostly Comprised of Monster Girls.
Mako | Providing Liquidity To Global Derivatives Markets
Mako provides liquidity to global derivatives markets, primarily through options market making. Our proprietary technology, developed and refined over the last two decades, helps us stay ahead of the curve. We grow, innovate and embrace new challenges together, driven by an ambition to be the best at what we do.
《魔物娘岛屿》全cg攻略(当前版本) - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
作为一个质量拉满的游戏,魔物娘岛屿是相当值得一玩的,我从设定,画风,体验三方面介绍一下,最后放上攻略。 首先是设定,目前剧情还没出完,所以按照目前的设定来看,大致是一个进入异世界,解决矛盾的老套剧情,但跟着走的话,剧情还是很有意思的,因为没做完,我也不多评价。 莫名奇妙地进入这个世界,和各位魔物娘刷好感,推剧情,完成一些任务和小游戏,赚钱换装加好感度,算是相当经典的玩法。 画风的话相当的棒,每天的三个场景都很精致,尤其是夜晚, …
#MonsterGirlIsland#决定整理一下一些单纯冲爆以外的内容 关于鲨鱼娘Mako的第二段剧情,既可以在人类出现后去沙滩触发,也可以在第一次跟史莱姆娘(Eris)对话后喵喵离开,先去触发第一段剧情再跟Eris对话,Eris离开后就可以触发第二段Mako的剧情了[二哈]旗子其实 ...
ALL SCENES GUIDE (SPOILERS) :: Monster Girl Island: Prologue …
Ophelia will mention you meeting her when talking near the red crystals. After you find Renge's sister and are back in the Village, go to the Beach where there is an event. There you will meet Mako, after your first conversation she will tell you to go away. Keep trying to talk to her until you get the RED conversation option.
魔物娘岛屿(MGI)_攻略向_火山_推箱子__Monster Girl Island_v0.443
《魔物娘岛屿》0.44.3版 mgi A135大佬奉献,邮箱monster girl (节日版也有不附带)
GET ALL OF THEM (English) - Steam Solo
Ara will notice some purple liquid on the beach, and you can go up to it, it turns out that it is a new chan – Eris. Just chat with her. After the dialogue, run to the beginning where you appeared on the beach and then Mako will jump out of the ocean. Chat with her A FEW TIMES and she will be all yours and suck your diск.