MALÅ Ground Penetrating Radar - Guideline Geo
the world leader in ground penetrating radar MALÅ is the world’s premier provider of ground penetration radar (GPR) antennas and software, enabling professionals to create, analyze and transform vast amounts of complex data into easily understandable representations of …
MALA GPR Australia specialise in enabling the industry to utilize the Ground Penetrating Radar technology on the highest possible level. Whether your organisation require rental/hire of GPR instruments, outright purchase, staff training, instrument servicing, or high level geophysical consulting, MALA GPR Australia can assist you.
MALÅ Ground Explorer - The flexible GPR solution - Guideline Geo
MALÅ GX (Ground Explorer) is an integrated GPR solution with a wide range of antenna options. Through unique HDR technology, MALÅ GX offers significantly better data quality and faster acquisition rates.
MALÅ GeoDrone - Guideline Geo
The MALÅ GeoDrone antennas are airborne GPR solutions designed for efficient fieldwork and specifically tailored for data collection in remote, hazardous, and inaccessible areas. These antennas enable the effective collection of GPR data across a variety of challenging environments, including snow-covered ground, rocky and uneven terrain ...
瑞典GGEO公司于2023年10月26日格林威治时间8:00全球发布了MALA品牌的新款手推三维阵列探地雷达系统,系统名称为:MALA Compact,采用全新的RTS&HDR技术,属于新一代的第五代探地雷达技术水准;相比其他品牌的手推三维阵列系统,MALA Compact很大程度的降低了系统噪声 ...
最新第三代 MALA ProEx探地三维地质雷达主机 - 东莞市诺丽科技 …
proex 主机是 mala 雷达系列产品中通用性最高的,是基于闻名于世的 mala/gpr cu Ⅱ 主机的 新一代 全新产品。 ProEx 可以完全兼容 MALA 的全系列天线,用户可以根据需要准确、高效、实时地进行勘探和检测。
MALÅ CX | Ground Penetrating Radar | Terramar Instruments
MALÅ ConcreteExplorer (CX) is an easy-to-use, GPR system designed for the non-destructive investigation and imaging of concrete and other man-made structures.
MALÅ GPR MIRA is a one-pass 3D Radar system providing a cost-effective solution for large scale ground penetrating radar mapping and subsurface object identification. The MIRA system consists of several separate transmitter and receiver …
MALÅ GPR - Sygma Solutions Ltd
The world´s first intelligent Ground penetrating radar (GPR) solution MALÅ Easy Locator Core is the state of the art, intelligent ground penetrating radar solution for utility locating professionals.
MIRA 3D GPR System
Learn about Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveying over water, including GPR theory, survey design considerations, instrument deployment, and data processing techniques specific to water-based environments. Additionally, explore case studies that illustrate these concepts in …