Maluri - Wikipedia
Maluri is a suburb in the constituency of Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, situated near the border of the constituency of Titiwangsa. [1] It is located along Cheras Road Federal Route 1 and can be accessed through Maluri station served by the LRT Ampang Line and the MRT Kajang Line. It is one of the housing areas closest to Kuala Lumpur's Golden Triangle.
马鲁里 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
马鲁里花园(Taman Maluri)位于蕉赖北部,占地约703公顷,其地标为永旺马鲁里花园购物中心(AEON Taman Maluri Shopping Centre),因马鲁里是是蕉赖地区的主要交通枢纽,且发展时间较早,因此是蕉赖主要的商业区和住宅区,交通便利。
Maluri MRT Station | mrt.com.my
Maluri MRT Station situated in Taman Maluri, Cheras. This station is the interchange station to the RapidKL LRT (Ampang Line) and RapidKL bus hub is stationed directly affront the Maluri LRT station at Jalan Cheras as their main bus hub to Cheras and Kajang area.
Maluri - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
Maluri merupakan salah sebuah kawasan komersial dan pinggiran bandar yang terletak di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
蕉賴 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
马鲁里花园(Taman Maluri)位於蕉賴北部,其地標為永旺馬魯里花園購物中心(AEON Maluri),是蕉賴主要的商業區和住宅區,交通便利。 馬魯里花園也是蕉賴地區的主要交通樞紐,位於 AG13 KG22 馬魯里站 和其附近的巴士站是通往 吉隆坡 市區的轉乘站,捷運 加影线 ...
游览KL必备攻略: LRT/MRT带你轻松 逛50+个景点! 原来可以去这么 …
2023年3月21日 · 📍LRT Station Maluri : 🔸Sunway Velocity 【点这里看附近美食】 🔸Aeon Maluri 。 📍LRT Station Hang Tuah: 🔸Lalaport 【点这里看附近美食】 【点这里看附近必逛】 🔸Berjaya Time Square 【点这里看附近好玩游乐场】. 📍LRT Station Bandaraya: 🔸SOGO Shopping Mall. …
Hotel Maluri
Hotel Maluri offers an array of tastefully designed accommodations to cater to guests from all walks of life. We take pride in providing our guests with the best in quality and service, which has earned us multiple international awards. With all the facilities expected of an International Hotel, we are always ready to serve you.
Kenari Maluri Group
Kenari Maluri Group (KMG) telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1997. Sentiasa bekerjasama bersama agensi kerajaan dan swasta bagi memperkasakan projek hartanah, equiti serta penguasaan teknologi dan pelaburan.
AEON MALL Taman Maluri
AEON MALL Taman Maluri Jalan Jejaka, Maluri, 55100 Kuala Lumpur Mall Sunday – Thursday (10AM – 10PM) | Friday, Saturday & Eve of Public Holiday (10.00AM -10.30PM) Supermarket: Sunday – Thursday (10AM – 10PM) | Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday (8.00AM -10.30PM) General Merchandise Stores (GMS): Sunday – Thursday (10AM – 10PM ...
2021精选25家「Cheras必吃美食」推荐!道地老店到新晋美食,每 …
2021年4月3日 · 地址:No. 276, Jalan Cheras, Maluri, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. 营业时间: 11am – 9pm. 外送传送门👉 https://www.instagram.com/officialhellosummer/ Cheras必吃美食推荐十四:再成富