Mamiya 135 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2018年2月26日 · The Mamiya 135 EE is a compact rangefinder camera from Mamiya. It has a 38mm 1:2.8 lens, and a leaf shutter with speeds ranging from 1/30 up to 1/650. Shutter Speeds: 1/30-1/650s. Exposure Meter Type: Single CdS cell located above the lens element.
Mamiya 135 EE 35 mm rangefinder camera - Everything Vintage
2015年2月21日 · Mamiya 135 EE specifications. Mamiya 135 EE 35mm rangefinder camera. 38mm f/2.8 mamiya sekor lens; 1/60 sec to 1/650 sec shutter range; Fully automatic exposure; 25 – 400 ASA film speed; Zone focus + rangefinder focus; PX-675 mercury battery; Mechanical self timer; Manual available on line here
Mamiya 35mm Cameras - Rangefinders - 50megs
Mamiya 135 At left is the Mamiya 135 (c.1977), a programmed EE camera with a linked rangefinder and flash charge lamp (for dedicated flash). It has a fixed 38mm Mamiya-Sekor f/2.8 lens, a self-timer, a hot shoe and a built-in light meter, read through the viewfinder.
Mamiya 135 – 半世紀遅れのカメラレビュー
Mamiya 135 1977年発売。 これより少し古い時期に出たミノルタハイマチックシリーズやヤシカエレクトロ、コニカC35等のコンパクトAEカメラに比べて地味な存在だが、搭載している3群4枚のマミヤセコール38mmF2.8は猛烈にシャープに写る。
Mamiya 135 EE - Camerapedia
The Mamiya 135 EE is a 35mm film compact rangefinder camera made by Mamiya and introduced in 1977. Exposure Meter Type: Single CdS cell located above the lens element. Flashmatic system with aperture determined with the selected GN (10-40 in Meters) and the focusing distance.
廉价少见的玛米亚MAMIYA--135EE小旁轴 - 无忌摄影论坛
2012年1月8日 · 玛米亚MAMIYA--135EE小旁轴是玛米亚相机公司在1977年推出的一部具有自动快门功能的135底片旁轴相机, EE代表的是Electric-Eve的缩写。 相机配置的是玛米亚MAMIYA-SEKOR的38mm f/2.8的镜头,镜头有三组四片组成,镜
Mamiya 135 EE — LensFayre
The Mamiya 135 EE is a beautiful little rangefinder with 38mm f/2.8 lens. Its lightweight and compact design make it an ideal everyday carry for anyone with a little experience with rangefinders. It’s a no fuss option with a sharp lens that produces consistently punchy images.
Mamiya 135AF - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2022年2月20日 · The 135AF is a autofocus 35mm compact camera from Mamiya released in 1980. It uses a Mamiya-Sekor 38mm f/2.8 lens with a 46mm filter thread. It can focus from 1.2 meters. The shutter speeds has a range from 1/8 to 1/450. The shutter release can accommodate a screw in cable release.
Mamiya 135 - MAMIYA - 旁軸相機 - nophotonolife-store.com
鏡頭:Mamiya-sekor 38mm F2.8 快門速度:1/30秒~1/650秒 重量:400g 當時價格:JPY 25500元
MAMIYA(玛米亚) 135相机 - 『祥升行』老相机博物馆 - 中国北 …