Typoman on Steam
Typoman is a puzzle platformer. You slip into the role of a character made of letters, struggling to make your way through a dark and hostile world. Despite your small stature you have a powerful gift: You can craft words which will have an effect on the environment. But choose your words wisely - they can either be a blessing... or a curse!
"With a wonderful balance of platforming, word puzzle solving, and its overall look and feel, Typoman is a great game for any gaming family’s digital library." NVIDIA Accredited Partner. 1. H-E-R-O 02:48. 2. The First Word 02:47. 3. Between the Lines 03:12. 4. Rain 04:36. 5. Infinity 03:16. 6. Lost in Fear 01:59. 7. Fickle Safety 01:41. 8.
Typoman Remastered - Apps on Google Play
2024年8月31日 · Winner of numerous awards and widely recognized as one of the most unique indie games, Typoman takes you on a journey of an unusual HERO to find the last letter and restore hope in a merciless...
Typoman - Wikipedia
Typoman is an independent video game developed by German indie studio Brainseed Factory for Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, and mobile. The game follows a hero named HERO who crafts words to alter the environment around him. [1]
2023年12月9日 · type命令 用来显示指定命令的类型,判断给出的命令是内建命令还是外部命令。 2. 命令类型. alias:别名。 keyword:关键字,Shell保留字。 function: 函数, Shell函数。 builtin:内建命令,Shell内建命令。 file:文件,磁盘文件,外部命令。 unfound:没有找到。 3. 示例练习. ① 别名. 结果(ls是‘ls --color= auto '的别名) ②关键字. 结果(if 是shell关键字) ③内建命令. # 查看命令是否为Shell内建命令. [root @hadoop01 etc]# type cd. 结果(cd是Shell内 …
Buy Typoman | Xbox
Typoman is a puzzle platformer. You slip into the role of a character made of letters, struggling to make your way through a dark and hostile world.
type Man Page - Linux - SS64.com
type. Describe a command. For each name, indicate how it would be interpreted if used as a command name. Syntax type [-aftpP] name [name...] Key -a Print all the places that contain an executable named name. This includes aliases and functions, if and only if the …
Typoman for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Official Site
Typoman is a puzzle platformer which takes you on a journey to explore the Power of Words in the everlasting battle between good and evil. You slip into...
man type (1): write a description of command type - Man Pages
man type (1): The type utility shall indicate how each argument would be interpreted if used as a command name.
Typoman Remastered on the App Store
Typoman takes you on a journey of an unusual HERO to find the last letter and restore hope in a merciless world. Winner of numerous awards and widely recognized as one of the most unique indie games! ABOUT TYPOMAN. You slip into the role of a character made of letters, struggling to make your way through a dark and hostile world.