ManimBanner - Manim Community v0.19.0 - benblue
The returned animation transforms the banner from its initial state (representing Manim’s logo with just the icons) to its expanded state (showing the full name together with the icons). See the class documentation for how to use this.
File : Manim icon.svg - Wikimedia
Uploaded a work by Manim developers from https://github.com/ManimCommunity/manim/blob/e5a63077cbcde1ead3bbafd03a8f9c2f4ae45202/docs/source/_static/manim-logo-sidebar.svg with UploadWizard
Manim Community
Manim is a community-maintained Python library for creating mathematical animations.
manim.mobject.logo - Manim Community v0.19.0
The returned animation transforms the banner from its initial state (representing Manim's logo with just the icons) to its expanded state (showing the full name together with the icons). See the class documentation for how to use this. .. note:: Before calling this method, the text "anim" is not a submobject of the banner object.
manim-fontawesome - manim.community
Font Awesome SVG's for Manim. How to Use. You can import this as any python library in your script and then use brand, regular, solid varaibles to get the necessary SVGMobjects. For example, This module defined these variables: regular: These contains the Regular Style icons. solid: These contains the Solid style icons.
manim-fontawesome - PyPI
2024年1月1日 · Font Awesome SVG's for Manim. How to Use. You can import this as any python library in your script and then use brand, regular, solid varaibles to get the necessary SVGMobjects. For example, This module defined these variables: regular: These contains the Regular Style icons. solid: These contains the Solid style icons.
naveen521kk/manim-fontawesome: Font Awesome SVG's for Manim - GitHub
Font Awesome SVG's for Manim. How to Use. You can import this as any python library in your script and then use brand, regular, solid varaibles to get the necessary SVGMobjects. For example, def construct (self): # import https://fontawesome.com/v5.15/icons/angry?style=regular self. add (regular. angry) This module defined these variables:
3b1b/manim: Animation engine for explanatory math videos - GitHub
Manim is an engine for precise programmatic animations, designed for creating explanatory math videos. Note, there are two versions of manim. This repository began as a personal project by the author of 3Blue1Brown for the purpose of animating …
manim/manim/mobject/logo.py at main · ManimCommunity/manim - GitHub
"""An animation that expands Manim's logo into its banner. The returned animation transforms the banner from its initial state (representing Manim's logo with just the icons) to its
logo - Manim Community v0.19.0
Utilities for Manim’s logo and banner. Classes.