Mansun - Wikipedia
Mansun were an English alternative rock band, formed in Chester in 1995. The band comprised vocalist/rhythm guitarist Paul Draper, bassist Stove King, lead guitarist/backing vocalist Dominic Chad, and drummer Andie Rathbone.
mansun - 百度百科
MANSUN是英国已经解散的 英伦摇滚 团体简称,他们的团名是取自The Verve的同名EP(当时叫Verve)里的一首美丽脱俗的歌曲“a man called sun”。 Mansun于1995年在英格兰的中西部城市切斯特 (Chester) 成立。 关于乐队名称的由来,乐队成员曾半开玩笑的说其取自The Verve的一首b面歌曲《A Man Called Sun》,但乐队起初其实名为“Grey Lantern”,后更名为"Manson" (取自Charles Manson),最终因为版权问题才将乐队名称又改为“Mansun”。
Mansun - Official Website
2023年3月16日 · The official website for English alternative rock band Mansun. 21st Anniversary deluxe reissue of classic album 'Six' available March 2019!
Mansun discography - Wikipedia
The following is a comprehensive discography of the English alternative rock band Mansun. Mansun adopted a unique labeling system for their single releases. Their first two releases for the Parlophone label were Extended Plays, these were named One EP and Two EP. However, like most EPs the opening track was promoted as the key song.
Mansun - The Bandmembers
Post Mansun The band went their separate ways with Paul and Chad staying in touch every now and again, apart from that not much is known as to what happened immediately after the split. Here is a summary of the main four members, check out the individual band member pages for detailed information.
The 10 best Mansun songs - Louder
2016年12月5日 · Following the release of EP Two, Paul Draper looks back at the odd legacy of Mansun and selects his 10 favourite tracks
没有星辰更为灿烂——Mansun(Attack Of The Grey Lantern)乐评
2007年7月26日 · Mansun没有辜负我如此长时间的等待,《Attack Of The Grey Lantern》是一张足可以打出满分的专辑。 现在许多人一提到这张专辑就给出“华丽”和“大气”两个形容词。
Mansun Mansun | 豆瓣音乐-艺术家
Mansun曾在电... (展开全部) 虽然比不上Radiohead和Suede但或许是因为他们也只不过出了三张专辑,成军时间也只不过短短的六七年,但是他们绝对是BRIT-POP末期最异军突起的一团,因为MANSUN有个俊俏的主唱Paul Draper,Paul的声音也如同Radiohead、Suede一样妖魅,吉他手 ...
Mansun 乐队有何独特之处? - 知乎
mansun绝对是 britpop 中被严重低估的乐队!他们的音乐完美糅合了古典、迷幻、前卫等各种元素,可以用华丽、大气来形容。
【Mansun】 Official Promo Video官方mv(全16p) - 哔哩哔哩
【Mansun】 Official Promo Video官方mv(全16p)共计16条视频,包括:Mansun - Flourella (Official Promo Video)、Mansun - Egg Shaped Fred (Official Promo Video)、Mansun - Take It Easy Chicken (Official Promo Video)等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。