12 Types of Manta Ray: Species, Identification, and Photos - TRVST
Manta rays are cartilaginous fish (like sharks) from the phylum Chordata and the class Chondrichthyes. They are a type of eagle rays of the Myliobatidae family. Only two known manta species exist: the Giant Manta Ray and the Reef Manta Ray. A potential third species, the Caribbean Manta Ray, is still under research.
Manta ray - Wikipedia
Manta rays are large rays belonging to the genus Mobula (formerly its own genus Manta). The larger species, M. birostris, reaches 7 m (23 ft) in width, while the smaller, M. alfredi, reaches 5.5 m (18 ft). Both have triangular pectoral fins, horn-shaped cephalic fins …
Manta ray | Description, Size, Diet, & Facts | Britannica
manta ray, any of several genera of marine rays comprising the family Mobulidae (class Selachii). Flattened and wider than they are long, manta rays have fleshy enlarged pectoral fins that look like wings; extensions of those fins, looking like a devil’s horns, project as the cephalic fins from the front of the head.
Manta Ray - Description, Habitat, Image, Diet, and Interesting Facts
Manta rays, also known as “devil rays,” or “devilfish,” are large members of the eagle ray family. Those nicknames come from the horn-shaped fins on their face, called “cephalic fins.” The curved cephalic fins give a devil horn-like appearance to the rays.
Manta and Devil Ray Species - Manta Trust
Manta and devil rays (collectively known as mobulids) belong to a group of rays called the Myliobatiforms, which contain 12 families and about 370 species. Taxonomically within the Mobulidae family there is just one genus: Mobula , which contains ten species - two (possibly three) manta species and seven devil ray species.
The Anatomy of Manta Rays - Manta Ray Advocates Hawaii
2021年7月14日 · There are two types of manta rays: the migratory giant manta ray (also called oceanic or pelagic manta) and the reef manta ray, which lives in shallow coastal areas. How Big is a Manta Ray? Manta rays are clearly recognized by their enormous size.
Manta Ray Guide: The Ocean's Graceful Flyers - Ocean Info
Manta rays are captivating elasmobranchs (cartilaginous fish) renowned for their distinctive morphology and ecological role. Characterized by their expansive, wing-like pectoral fins and filter-feeding behavior, they are often referred to as the “gentle giants” of the ocean.
Manta Biology | MCC - Micronesian Conservation
In the genus Manta there are two species, Manta birostris (the giant oceanic manta) and Manta alfredi (the resident reef manta). These two species have much in common, but a few important differences in life history exist between the two.
Manta Ray Species
2024年2月23日 · There are only two species of fish that receive the name of manta ray and belong to the genus Manta, being considered the biggest members of the ray family. These are the reef manta (Manta alfredi) and the giant manta ray (Manta birostris), animals that exceed 3 meters wide and have the largest brains of all fish. Some people believe that fish ...
Types Of Manta Rays - BioExpedition
Giant Manta Ray The Giant Manta Rays live in both tropical and sub-tropical waters. They are found along the coastal areas of the oceans around the world. Reef Manta Ray There are plenty of locations around the world where the Reef Manta Ray is found. They tend to live in the sub-tropical and tropical waters.