Energy Equity Map
The EEP Map compiles 26 datasets and enables users to easily explore energy equity concerns in their own communities. Welcome! Select up to 2 datasets you want to explore on the right and adjust the filters to highlight communities that meet your criteria. You can also click on a county to zoom into a census tract to see the data.
U-M releases first national framework designed to measure and …
2022年8月31日 · Later this year, EEP will release an interactive national map that is currently in development. Designed to be accessible for the general public, the map will offer a unique opportunity to explore the intersectionality of energy equity data.
Equity Investment Eligible Community Map - Illinois
On June 3, the Illinois Power Agency (IPA) refreshed the Equity Investment Eligible Community (EIEC) map for Program Year 2024-2025. This updated map reflects the removal of previously eligible 2022 Environmental Justice Community (EJC) areas used in Program Year 2023-2024.
【Pytorch】Visualization of Feature Maps(4)——Saliency Maps
2023年11月29日 · 本文介绍了如何使用PyTorch实现SaliencyMaps,一种用于可视化深度学习图像分类模型的方法,通过计算每个像素对分类得分的影响程度。 作者展示了从加载数据到生成和显示SaliencyMaps的完整过程,包括预处理、模型计算和可视化示例。 学习参考来自. Saliency Maps 原理. 《Deep Inside Convolutional Networks: Visualising Image Classification Models and Saliency Maps》(arXiv-2013)
Examples of site potential map, EEP map, and the actual EP map …
Using a piecewise regression tree model, we developed the Expected Ecosystem Performance (EEP), a proxy for annual forage production that reflects climatic influences while minimizing impacts of...
Java 8 Stream peek 与 map的区别 - CSDN博客
2018年8月8日 · 总结:peek接收一个没有返回值的λ表达式,可以做一些输出,外部处理等。 map接收一个有返回值的λ表达式,之后Stream的泛型类型将转换为map参数λ表达式返回的类型. 文章浏览阅读10w+次,点赞38次,收藏72次。 刚接触java8 Stream的时候,经常会感觉分不清楚 peek 与 map方法的区别其实了解一下λ表达式就明白了首先看定义Stream<T> peek (Consumer<? super T> action);peek方法接收一个Consumer的入参。 了解λ表达式的应该 …
Postscript: Maps | Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
EEP, EEP! The road that led to maps being added to the language has been long and tortuous. For years, people have been complaining about records and key/value data structures on multiple fronts in the Erlang community: People don't want to put the name of the record every time when accessing it and want dynamic access
EEP 79: Deep Map Access - Proposals: RFC - Erlang Programming …
2025年2月21日 · This EEP proposes new library functions in the maps module for accessing nested maps, which will make it easier to work with such data. The proposal suggests backwards-compatible additions to the standard library that have been proven through a reference implementation in the mapz library, which has been in production use for se...
Comparison of MAP-UEP with MAP-EEP, ML-EEP, and ML-UNC …
Download scientific diagram | Comparison of MAP-UEP with MAP-EEP, ML-EEP, and ML-UNC over AWGN channel with throughput R; PSNR versus E b =N 0 of decoded from publication: Visual...
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