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AEON MALL Jakarta Garden City
Here is the location map of AEON Mall. You can see it through Google Maps.
Jakarta Garden City
Jakarta Garden City adalah kawasan permukiman terintegrasi seluas 370 hektar di Cakung, Jakarta Timur. PT Mitra Sindo Sukses, anak perusahaan PT Modernland Realty Tbk, bertanggung jawab atas pengembangan proyek ini.
From Bus Terminal 3, take the Miyagi Kotsu bus "Bound for Izumi Park Town (Via Miyagi University and Industrial Park)" for about 32 minutes, get off at "Izumi Park Town Industrial Park" and walk for 5 minutes. JAPAN NUS CO., LTD.
Browse jgc's maps - OpenStreetMap France
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AEON MALL Jakarta Garden City
Berikut adalah peta lokasi AEON Mall. Anda dapat melihatnya melalui Google Maps.
Beranda - JGC Indonesia
JGC Indonesia is reputable company for integrated solutions in EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction). We specialize in building oil & gas, renewable energy, and medical sectors.
JGC Group - JGC Holdings Corporation
Centered on the four business segments of the Total Engineering targeting an extensive business field, and functional materials manufacturing propped up by unique technologies, JGC operates businesses in a variety of regions throughout the world, contributing to economic growth and industrial development in not only Japan, but also in various ...
About JGC Holdings. Company Profile; Management Structure; Organization of JGC Holdings
Jakarta Garden City - DGCMS
Dikembangkan di dalam kota Jakarta dengan luas pengembangan seluas 370 Hektar, Jakarta Garden City memadukan seluruh aspek kenyamanan hunian dan komersil agar dapat memberikan manfaat dan keuntungan yang terbaik bagi pemiliknya. Perumahan yang didesain dengan konsep modern yang menyatu dengan lingkungan. …