Maqam Rast
Maqam Rast is the main maqam in the Rast Family, and by far one of the most popular and common maqamat in the Arabic repertory. Its scale starts with the root Jins Rast on the tonic, followed on the 5 th degree by either Jins Upper Rast (with its …
Rast (maqam) - Wikipedia
Rast (راست) is a Persian word meaning "right" or "direct". Rast is regarded as the basic dastgah in Iranian music and later on was adopted in Arabic and Turkish makam music, in the same way as the major scale in Western music, though it is rather different from the major scale in detail.
Rast Analyses - Maqam Lessons
In Syria the motto is "If your night is going to be long, sing in Rast," because there are so many great and well-known songs in this maqam. Several of those songs are contained on this page, songs every arab musician of any experience must know, like Ghannili Shwayya, Ya Shadi il-Alhaan, and Ya Maal ish-Sham.
阿拉伯拉斯特木卡姆 (Maqam Rast)简介 - 知乎
拉斯特木卡姆一般由两个金丝(Jins,n音列,其中n=3,4,5,6或3~6甚至更高的不定数目)组成。 第一个金丝为拉斯特金丝(Jins Rast),第二个金丝为上拉斯特金丝。 下行的时候第二个金丝或可换用 纳哈万德 (阿拉伯人大败萨珊帝国之地)金丝。 以上是拉斯特木卡姆的基本音阶。 在实际演奏或演唱中,还会经常出现降A,其实是第一个拉斯特金丝的延伸音。 二、开头和结尾. 拉斯特木卡姆的开头一般从C或半降E逐渐级进,到达G并持续稳定一段时间。 而拉斯特木卡姆的 …
Learn Maqam Rast - Qiratul Quran Institute
Learn the history, origins, and development of maqams by taking online Quran classes of Maqam Rast. Understand the symbolic meaning of maqams in Islamic culture.
Pizmonim.org - Rast
6 天之前 · Rast is the first maqam section in the vast majority of historical pizmonim collections. The word 'Rast' sounds similar to RAS, the Arabic word for head. As a result, we use Maqam Rast in the prayers for when we begin a new Humash as well as the Shabbat Afternoon Service because that is the first time the upcoming perasha is read.
Rast (Arabic maqam) - Wikipedia
Rast is the implementation of the Rast maqam in Arabic maqam theory. Its formal account is in 24 Tone Equal Temperament, but according to some musicologists, there are slight variations in practice.
【阿拉伯木卡姆】拉斯特木卡姆简介 Maqam Rast_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
介绍阿拉伯音乐中的拉斯特木卡姆音阶的基本知识,包括音阶构成、旋法、转调法。 PPT中有一处写错了,Jihargah 应为 Jiharkah(波斯语中是Chahargah,阿拉伯语中一般没有g,只能用k代替)。 挑战! 学到蜡烛熄灭. 介绍阿拉伯音乐中的拉斯特木卡姆音阶的基本知识,包括音阶构成、旋法、转调法。 PPT中有一处写错了,Jihargah 应为 Jiharkah(波斯语中是Chahargah,阿拉伯语中一般没有g,只能用k代替)。, 视频播放量 2024、弹幕量 6、点赞数 69、投硬币枚数 46、收 …
rast(maqam) - 华文百科
rast (莎)是波斯语单词,意为“正确”或“直接”。 拉斯特(Rast)被认为是 伊朗音乐 中的基本 达斯塔(Dastgah) ,后来以 阿拉伯语 和 土耳其语音乐 的方式采用了与西方音乐的 主要规模 相同的方式,尽管它与主要规模有很大不同。
Rast Analyses - Maqam Lessons
This version of Rast, known sometimes as "Maqam Suznak" for its emphasis on Jins Hijaz on the 5th scale degree, is also known simply as Rast, with an emphasis on 5. "Ghannili Shwayya" …