Marc’s modified Ringer’s (MMR) (1X) - CSH Protocols
Marc’s modified Ringer’s (MMR) (1X) 0.1 M NaCl. 2 mM KCl. 1 mM MgSO 4. 2 mM CaCl 2. 5 mM HEPES (pH 7.8) 0.1 mM EDTA. Sterilize by autoclaving, and store at room temperature. Common alternative formulations of MMR omit EDTA and are adjusted to pH 7.4.
Marc's Modified Ringer Solution (MMR) - CSH Protocols
Prepare a 10× stock that consists of the reagents listed above, adjusting the pH to 7.4–7.8 with NaOH and sterilizing by autoclaving. Store the stocks indefinitely at room temperature. Dilute stock as necessary with type 1 ultrapure water (ASTM International 2018) without further pH adjustment. ASTM International. 2018.
Protocol for mRNA electroporation of Xenopus laevis
Xenopus laevis is an ideal model system for investigating the mechanisms of pattern formation. The ability to express endogenous mRNA or introduce morpholinos into cleavage-stage Xenopus embryos has allowed gain- and loss-of-function experiments that reveal molecular-genetic control of development and regeneration.
Transfer the embryos to a new tray of 1/3X MMR without ficoll, and leave them at 18C overnight. Score the injections the next day and replace the 1/3X MMR with 0.1X MMR
Marc's Modified Ringers (MMR) (25×) - CSH Protocols
To prepare a 25× stock, dissolve the above ingredients in 3.8 L of H 2 O, and adjust the pH to pH 7.8 with 10 m NaOH. Bring the final volume to 4 L, and store at room temperature. What's this?
Table - PMC - National Center for Biotechnology Information
Marc's Modified Ringers (MMR), 1/3x: 33 mM NaCl, 0.7 mM KCl, 0.3 mM MgSO 4, 0.7 mM CaCl 2, 1.7 mM HEPES, pH 7.4: Extract buffer (XB), 10x: 1 M KCl, 1 mM CaCl 2, 10 mM MgCl 2, 500 mM sucrose, 100 mM HEPES, pH 7.8 (pH adjusted with 10 N KOH, stored at 4 °C) Buffer B: 4% Cysteine dissolved in 0.8x XB (prepared with cold ddH 2 O, pH adjusted to 7. ...
Marc's Modified Ringer's Solution (MMR) for Embryos
Marc's Modified Ringer's Solution (MMR) for Embryos. 天净沙. 6-1957
Animal cap explants were dissected at stages 8.5∼9 and cultured in 30% Marc's modified Ringer (MMR) containing 50 g/ml gentamycin until the desired stages for further analysis as described in...
Local pharmacies offer measles shots amid Ashtabula County …
4 小时之前 · Patients 7 and older are eligible for the MMR shot. Marc’s: The MMR vaccine is available during regular pharmacy hours at any Marc’s store that has a pharmacy. Go to the store finder at marcs ...
Aversive Training Methods in Xenopus laevis : General Principles
Here, we outline a simple strategy for aversive conditioning (associative learning) in Xenopus tadpoles, and present sample data using a quantitative automated analysis system. We also discuss the factors and variables that must be considered to ensure optimal learning and recall performance, for use as behavioral endpoints in any experiment.