Unit breakdown: Marianne (minor spoilers included). - Reddit
2019年8月15日 · With her HP23 Str5 Mag11 Dex6 Spd7 Lck6 Def4 Res8 and Cha7 it directly seems Marianne is a pure caster, a great magic user unable to fight with weapons efficiently and withstand a blow. Her naturally high Resistance make her very resistant to magic attacks though. she has of course great stats growths in Magic and Resistance and poor ones in ...
Fe3h daily discussion 24. Unit: Marianne : …
2024年1月9日 · All things related to Fire Emblem: Three Houses & Fire Emblem Three Hopes! Join along as we discuss these titles for Fire Emblem on the Nintendo Switch!
What class/path for recruited Marianne? : …
2022年1月28日 · Marianne is kinda "meh" recruited this late if you arent making her a healer. Her best classes for offense want Reason, Lance, or Flying and she does not train those. Marianne is actaully a better healer than Flayn, because she has Physic when Flayn does not. So you could just make her a Bishop/healer and call it a day.
Analysis for Character Endings: Marianne : r/fireemblem - Reddit
2019年9月20日 · Marianne and Byleth (Verdant Wind/Silver Snow route) Byleth announced an engagement to Marianne shortly after being named leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan. Before they were officially wed, Marianne first returned home to prepare for the ceremony and to study oration and management under her adoptive father.
Best endgame class for Marianne? : r/FireEmblemThreeHouses
2020年9月17日 · And so on. You get the point. Pretty much every class when compared to classes of similar niche have tradeoffs, and Marianne can make use of many of them. Marianne's an extremely flexible unit in that she'd do well in any magical class, as well as any Sword or Lance class. As for Edelgard, Magic Edelgard is viable and enjoyable even on Maddening.
Good Marianne Dancer build : r/FireEmblemThreeHouses - Reddit
2022年1月18日 · Give her the fetters, a march ring and a healing staff. Move +1, sword/Lance prowess (whichever you prefer using), fiendish blow, and just whatever.
Is it worth to promote Marianne from Bishop to Holy Knight or
Gremory is just kind of an odd class for Marianne because she doesn't really need the extra black magic uses so its not really offering her much other than one point of movement. But going that route forces her to either give up even more movement and canto (holy/dark knight) or way more healing (bishop).
QUESTION : MARIANNE BUILD : r/FireEmblemThreeHouses - Reddit
2022年4月13日 · The Dancer class gives the skill Sword Avoid+20 and the combat art Sword Dance (I think that's what it's called), and Marianne can put both of these to good use. Combine that Sword Avoid+20 with a Falcon Knight Marianne with Alert Stance(+), a Levin Sword+, and Movement+1, and you've got a unit that you can, in theory, fly into the thick of ...
Marianne’s Best Class? : r/FireEmblemThreeHouses - Reddit
2021年7月20日 · Dancer Marianne is easily her best class imo (I’ve gone into it before, but it boils down to easy progression, boons that work well, an already sword-heavy character, and it allowing her to combine casting, weapons, and support all in one)
Best class for Marianne : r/FireEmblemThreeHouses - Reddit
2021年7月1日 · Claude has the best talent list in the game, but Marianne is probably tied at 2 with Petra. In the same way Petra gets Death Blow, Darting Blow, and Hit +20 without breaking a sweat, Marianne gets Fiendish Blow, Uncanny Blow, and Darting Blow with boons in every relevant skill except reason and is a contributor in all those classes.