Visit Pohorje - Home
The largest Slovenian ski resort on the edge of Maribor. A modern and well-maintained Bike Park, Outdoor Center, and nature with opportunities for hiking, cycling, and many other activities.
Visit Pohorje - Ski & Bike
Največje Slovensko smučišče na robu Maribora. Moderen in urejen Bike Park, Outdoor center in narava z možnostjo pohodništva, kolesarstva ter mnogimi drugimi možnostmi.
Ski resort Mariborsko Pohorje – Maribor
The ski resort Mariborsko Pohorje – Maribor is located in the Podravska (Slovenia). For skiing and snowboarding, there are 35 km of slopes available. 13 lifts transport the guests. The winter …
Visit Pohorje - Smučišče
V zimskem času se Mariborsko Pohorje ponaša s približno sedmimi kilometri osvetljenih smučarskih prog, kar mu je prineslo sloves smučišča z najdaljšo nočno smuko daleč preko …
Maribor Pohorje Ski Resort - Wikipedia
Maribor Pohorje Ski Resort (Slovene: Smučišče Mariborsko Pohorje) is the largest ski resort in Slovenia, located just south of Maribor, at the mountain range of Pohorje in Lower Styria. The …
Ski resort Mariborsko Pohorje - BERGFEX
Skiers of all ages and skill levels simply adore Mariborsko Pohorje. Sparkling white ski slopes as well as well-kept cross-country ski runs and trekking routes attract many enthusiastic alpine …
Pohorje - Visit Maribor
Pohorje is a 1543 meters high natural oasis with wast forests, the Primeval forest Šumik, clearings and pastures, unspoiled Pohorje waters, waterfalls and moors with lakes, the largest butterfly …
Smučišče Mariborsko Pohorje - bergfex
Mariborsko Pohorje se skupaj z Arehom pozimi prelevi v največje zimsko športno središče pri nas. V njem vas čaka več kot 40 kilometrov smučarskih prog (od lahkih, srednje zahtevnih do …
Visit Maribor
Explore Pohorje with vast forests, the Primeval forest Šumik, waterfalls and moors with lakes, the largest butterfly in Europe and other precious animal species. The city of the oldest vine in the …
Maribor | Visit the mysterious corners of the city | I feel Slovenia
Maribor – Pohorje is a great starting point for those who want to discover the features of Eastern Slovenia. Ski slopes and hiking and mountain trails abound in the green hills of the Eastern …