Mark - Fire Emblem Wiki
Mark is portrayed as a mysterious traveler who is found unconscious on the plains by Lyn at the beginning of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. They are the first custom character to appear in the Fire Emblem series. Mark was introduced to give the player an actual role in the game and help...
Mark - Fire Emblem Wiki - Neoseeker
2008年8月25日 · Mark is the player character in Fire Emblem, where he serves as a tactician in command of Lyn 's and Eliwood 's group. His name, gender, and affinity can be determined by the player. Playable...
Fire Emblem 7, With a playable Mark! - Fire Emblem Universe
2023年5月31日 · Here’s the Link: Dropbox - FE7 Playable Mark V1.11.zip - Simplify your life. A male and a female. Then make an event where you will ask the gender. The answer will leads to add that gender mark to your army. Yep, affinity and gender do not change. This is because I could not be bothered to spend upwards of an hour trying to do that lol.
Anyone else think that Mark from FE7 is pointless?
Literally all Mark does plot-wise is get Lyn to fight Batta the BEAST! and go to Bulgar to bump into Kent and Sain. It's not that hard to rewrite. Just have the bandit attack spur Lyn into action...
Playable Mark in base FE7 - Requests - Fire Emblem Universe
2023年5月30日 · A friend of mine really wants to play FE7, and since they’ve heard that there’s a female named Mark, they really wanna get into it with the female version being playable. Optimally they’d be a new character, specifically we had a chat and decided that they should be a Dark Magic user (alongside more Dark Tomes throughout the game and such ...
If they ever remaster FE7 what should they do about Mark?
FE7 works fine, arguably better with his removal. However, IS has shown us that they aren't willing to toss aside the avatar mechanic if they don't absolutely have to, so the no-Mark FE7 scenario is likely a pipe dream.
Why Mark - Superb Mind ending in FE7 isn't a proper retcon
2024年6月7日 · Mark - Superb Mind (Tactician Rank A or S) A tactician whose brilliance changed the course of history. Bern and Etruria so desired this skilled mind that they went to war. This naturally (even more so than usual) doesn't line up with FE6. The thing is, …
Mark Theory: Bern Tactician : r/fireemblem - Reddit
2021年3月20日 · For me, Mark is simply just a Bernese scholar who finds causes to hone his talents as well as travels to see the world having lived within Bern mountains for most of his life and finished his internship. Though loyal to his country, Mark already suspects that Bern might be corrupt from within but doesn’t have enough information to confirm.
Was just playing FE7... What's the point of Mark?
Mark was just shoehorned in to add a self-insert for new players to more easily immerse themselves in the game. Immerse? He's a poor excuse for self-insert. The game makes you feel like he...
Mark - Fire Emblem Wiki
Mark (Japanese: マーク Mark) is a customizable tactician (Japanese: 軍師 tactician) from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade that acts as the player's persona within the game.