Toyota Mark X - Wikipedia
The Toyota Mark X (Japanese: トヨタ・マークX, Hepburn: Toyota Māku X) is a mid-size car manufactured by Toyota between 2004 and 2019, and was primarily aimed at the Japanese market. The Mark X was introduced in 2004 and is the successor to the Mark II which was first introduced in 1968, and was known in the North American market as the ...
かつて、ニュルブルクリンクで鍛えられたピュアスポーツの走りを携え、多くのドライバーたちを魅了したマークX“grmn”。 その歓びと感動をふたたび堪能していただくために。
2019 Toyota Mark X 250S GR Sport - World Car Specifications
The Mark X 250S GR Sport is part of Toyota's X130 series. The power is produced by a naturally aspirated engine of 2.5 litre capacity. This powerplant features double overhead camshaft valve gear, a 60 degree V 6 cylinder layout, and 4 valves per cylinder.
The Toyota Mark X GRMN is basically a BMW M3 homage
2019年1月11日 · If you’re unaware of the Mark X’s existence, it’s an overwhelmingly sensible saloon car that provides transport in a handful of Asian markets, chiefly Toyota’s Japanese homeland. The GRMN...
Mark X GR SPORT | Toyota Motor Corporation Official Global Website
2017年9月19日 · Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) announces the launch of the new "GR" sports car series. The "G Sports (G's)" sports conversion car series has until now served as a key component in initiatives to fuel excitement around sports car culture in Japan.
终章落幕!丰田Mark X(锐志)在日正式停产 - 车家号
说回Mark X,特别版GRMN(Gazoo Racing Master of Nurbergring)的Mark X搭载了一台3.5L V6发动机,配备手动变速箱。 2014年发布时,限量的100台瞬间被扫空。 此后2019年4月小改款推出了350台也一样一扫而光。
2019 Toyota Mark X 350RDS GR Sport - World Car Specifications
The Toyota Mark X 350RDS GR Sport is one of the X130 range of cars from Toyota. The 3.5 litre engine is a naturally aspirated, double overhead camshaft, 6 cylinder that produces 314 bhp (318 PS/234 kW) of power at 6400 rpm, and maximum torque …
Toyota Mark X Revealed: Naturally Aspirated V6, Manual Gearbox …
2019年1月11日 · The car’s design might not scream performance, but the new Mark X GRMN packs some serious power channeled to the rear wheels exclusively through a six-speed manual gearbox to the delight of...
Toyota Mark X DBA-GRX133 Grmn (Released in 2019/03)
Toyota Mark X DBA-GRX133 released in March 2019 comes in Grmn variant with 3,456 cc engine and Manual transmission. This model comes in Sedan body type equipped with 2GR-FSE engine model that run on Premium Gasoline .
Toyota Mark X Specs, Dimensions and Photos - CAR FROM JAPAN
Find all the specs about Toyota Mark X, from engine, fuel to retail costs, dimensions, and lots more. Choose the Toyota Mark X model and explore the versions, specs and photo galleries.