Namor (Earth-81257) | Marvel Database | Fandom
In the 1950th, the expedition of Captain Marlowe managed to reach Atlantis and record video evidence of the city. They have managed to send the video evidence up to the Mariana Trench Station before Namor attacked them, killing everyone onboard except Marlowe.
Gravely Robbed – The Plot Thickens – Mr. Paul
16 小时之前 · His fascination with the Great Pyramid of Egypt and his concept of a utopian New Atlantis adds to the speculation—was his burial meant to be more than just a resting place? Marlowe’s Vanishing Act. Christopher Marlowe, Shakespeare’s contemporary and alleged rival (or possibly his ghostwriter), was reportedly killed in a tavern brawl in 1593.
Atlantis of the Sands | Uncharted Wiki | Fandom
Atlantis of the Sands, located in the middle of the Rub' al Khali desert, was a legendary city made of brass architecture, claimed to have been destroyed by a natural disaster or as a punishment by God. It had a unique underground water system, supported by …
Uncharted 3: Drake vs. a 450-Year-Old Villainess - IGN
2011年3月21日 · I'm proposing that Sir Francis Drake found the Atlantis of the Sands with Christopher Marlowe and their Elizabethan crew. Inside, they found something that allowed for everlasting life -- they...
Popelard.2009-Spectacular Science: A Comparison of …
Title: Spectacular Science: A Comparison of Shakespeare's The Tempest, Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and Bacon's New Atlantis. Book: The spectacular in and around Shakespeare. Editor: Drouet, Pascale. Year: 2009. Pages: 17–40. City: Newcastle upon Tyne. Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 1282413686. Type: Beitrag
Popelard.2009-Spectacular Science: A Comparison of ... - marlowe.at
Titel: Spectacular Science: A Comparison of Shakespeare's The Tempest, Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and Bacon's New Atlantis. Werk: The spectacular in and around Shakespeare. Herausgeber: Drouet, Pascale. Jahr: 2009. Seiten: 17–40. Ort: Newcastle upon Tyne. Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 1282413686. Typ: Beitrag
the imaginations of Marlowe and Goethe. This Faustus, in the solitary sublimity of the supreme rebel, is the literary equal of the Prometheus of Aeschylus and Lucifer, the true hero of Paradise Lost. All three are emblems of the recurring conflict of great adventurous minds with the
Christopher Marlowe
2010年6月7日 · I have now published my new book, Joining The Dots, which offers a fresh look at the Atlantis mystery. I have addressed the critical questions of when, where and who, using Plato’s own words, tempered with some critical thinking and a modicum of common sense.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Video Game 2011) - Plot - IMDb
After an astonishing escape from a stricken cruise liner in a violent storm, Nate returns to Elena to learn that Marlowe and her men - with Sully - departed two days previously, their convoy now deep inside the Rub' al Khali. However, the reporter has a plan: Marlowe's small army requires airdrops of supplies to be delivered to the desert.
克里斯托弗·马洛 - 百度百科
剧中讲述了14世纪一个普通西徐亚牧民帖木儿,如何登上国王宝座,成为一个野心勃勃、残暴无情的统治者的故事,是一部“巨星陨落”式的悲剧。 骄横跋扈的西徐亚人帖木儿利用 波斯 国王的弟弟推翻了 波斯 王,在登上王位后又杀害了波斯王的弟弟。 然后帖木尔马不停蹄地战败了土耳其君主并将他关入囚笼示众。 最后这个嗜血成性、权迷心窍的牧羊人竟然向上天的权威发动攻击,致使他所向披靡的铁骑陷入绝境,这个建立了庞大帝国的征服者只能孤零零地死在皇后的坟墓上。 …