Mars (oil platform) - Wikipedia
Mars is a permanent offshore drilling and production tension-leg oil platform (TLP) operating in Mississippi Canyon blocks 762, 763, 806, 807, 850 and 851 in the Gulf of Mexico and was approved by the MMS in December 1992 with production beginning on July 8, 1996. [1]
Mars Oil and Gas Field Project, Gulf of Mexico
2021年3月26日 · Mars’ TLP is 3,250ft-high from the seafloor to the crown block of the drilling rig, and its steel weight is approximately 36,500t. The TLP was designed to withstand hurricane force waves of 71ft and winds of 140mph, simultaneously.
The Mars Project Overview | OTC Offshore Technology …
1997年5月5日 · The Mars Project is a $1.0 billion investment in a record breaking water depth of 2940 ft. in the Gulf of Mexico. As Shell's second Tension Leg Platform (ILP), it incorporates lessons learned from designing, constructing, and operatingShell's first TLP Project, Auger.
MARS TLP - lntegration and Installation - OnePetro
1997年5月5日 · This paper focuses on the experience gained during the development and use of the novel aspects of the integration and installation of the MARS TLP project. These include:- The use of a Specialized Lifting Device [SLD] to place the MARS TLP topsides on the hull at lngleside, Texas. The design, construction and operation of the SLD are described.
Mars TLP Drilling and Production Riser Systems - OnePetro
1997年5月5日 · The Mars riser systems are a major departure from those previously used on TLPs. All risers are operated with top tensions only 20% above their wet weight; the high-pressure, light-weight drilling riser has a secondary pressure barrier while drilling the majority of the well; a platform-style rig is used and all risers incorporate vortex ...
Mars B / Olympus Project, Gulf of Mexico - Offshore Technology
2014年8月27日 · The Olympus tension leg platform (TLP) is installed about one mile (1.6km) away from the existing Mars platform. It is the biggest floating deep-water platform deployed in the Gulf of Mexico and the seventh platform owned by Shell.
TLP平台锚泊系统和锚固基础的发展状况 - 豆丁网
2014年1月18日 · TLP平台作为一种深海结构形式在世. 发的一种备选平台形式。 前主要分为三种结构形式。 第一种是传统的张力腿. 和锚固基础。 张力腿平台通过自身的结构形式,产. 浮力与预张力平衡。 预张力作用在垂直张力腿系统. 上,使张力腿时刻处于受张拉的绷紧状态。 第二种. 一种简单缩小化的张力腿平台。 他通过对平台上. 到优化参数的目的。 迷你张力腿平台体积小,造价. 低,灵活性好,受环境影响小,适合开发中小油田。 台 (图1c)。 它是由传统张力腿发展而来,结构的改. 进 …
Mars-B Development: An Evolution of Traditional Well, Rig, and Facility ...
2015年1月31日 · The Mars-B project is the operator’s sixth Gulf of Mexico (GOM) tension-leg-platform (TLP) development. The Mars-B project is aiming to unlock resources over the next 50 years through the deployment of a new 24-slot TLP structure [the Olympus direct-vertical-access (DVA) TLP] and additional subsea infrastructure for the west Boreas and south ...
Shell's Mars B development begins to take shape - Offshore
2013年1月15日 · It became the first energy company post-Macondo to demonstrate its confidence in and commitment to this offshore arena by sanctioning a major deepwater project: a second tension leg platform (TLP) on the massive Mars field.
1993年10月10日 · Shell Oil Co. and partner BP Exploration Inc. will use a tension leg platform (TLP) in first phase development of giant Mars field about 130 miles off Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. The...