Cairns® XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet | MSA Safety | United States
The Cairns XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet focuses on innovation. This helmet offers full modularity, accessory integration, user-focused design, cleanability, unmatched comfort, and much more. Modular platform with a range of easily attachable accessories including responder goggles, face protection, and hearing protection with an integrated ...
MSA Cairns XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet, Blue with Silver Trim
Engineered helmet platform designed for technical rescue, wildland firefighting, climbing, and water rescue operations. All integrated and modular accessories are designed for easy attachment. “Glove-friendly” design of all accessories and helmet adjustment points for both right and left-handed users.
Cairns® XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet | MSA Safety | United States
Home / Fire Helmets / Modern Fire & Rescue Helmets / Cairns® XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet / GA3702. Photos; Videos; 360 view; Cairns® XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet Ocular visor assembly, XR2. Part Number: GA3702: Length: 8.701 IN (221.000 MM) Width: 4.409 IN (112.000 MM) Height: 3.346 IN (85.000 MM)
MSA Cairns XR2 Vented Technical Rescue Helmet - Curtis
New multi-purpose helmet for Technical Rescue with modular, "click-in" accessories. The Cairns XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet focuses on innovation. This helmet offers full modularity, accessory integration, user-focused design, cleanability, unmatched comfort, and much more. Certified to NFPA 1951. *Images may show accessories and options.
New multi-purpose helmet for Technical Rescue with modular, "click-in" accessories. The Cairns XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet focuses on innovation. This helmet offers full modularity, accessory integration, user-focused design, cleanability, unmatched comfort, and much more.
Engineered helmet platform designed for technical rescue, wildland firefighting, climbing, and water rescue operations. All integrated and modular accessories are designed for easy attachment. “Glove-friendly” design of all accessories and helmet adjustment points for both right- and left-handed users.
MSA Cairns® XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet | AJ Stone
MULTI-PURPOSE: Engineered helmet platform designed for technical rescue, wildland firefighting, climbing, and water rescue operations. FULL MODULARITY: Modular platform with a range of easily attachable accessories: responder goggles, face protection, and hearing protection with integrated communication system.
Cairns XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet - Johnson’s Fire Equipment
The Cairns XR2 Technical Rescue Helmet focuses on innovation. This helmet offers full modularity, accessory integration, user-focused design, cleanability, unmatched comfort, and much more. Pricing includes helmet, trim, soft goods, and bag.
骁龙 XR2 - 百度百科
第二代骁龙 XR2 平台 GPU 性能提升 2.5 倍、AI 每瓦特性能提升 8 倍、CPU 能效提升 50%,支持最高 10 路并行摄像头和传感器,还支持了 3K x 3K 显示、骁龙畅听、Wi-Fi 7 等。 Meta Quest 3 将搭载第二代骁龙 XR2 平台,Ray-Ban Meta 智能眼镜系列将搭载第一代骁龙 AR1 平台,来自其他厂商的更多设备将在 2024 年推出。 骁龙 XR2是高通技术公司推出的空间计算平台。 2019年12月6日,高通发布第一代骁龙XR2平台。 2023年9月28日,高通技术公司宣布推出第二代骁 …
【高通 骁龙XR2】性能评测_参数_跑分_视频_骁龙XR2 - 芯参数
CPU核心纳米大小代表制造工艺水平、功耗发热控制能力及性能潜力。 CPU核心的工作时钟频率,影响其性能表现。 在特定高负荷状态下可提升到的高于基本频率的工作频率,以增强性能。 单核心运算平均性能得分。 多核心运算平均性能得分。 集成图形显卡性能得分。