ASCL1 - Wikipedia
Achaete-scute homolog 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the ASCL1 gene. [5][6] Because it was discovered subsequent to studies on its homolog in Drosophila, the Achaete-scute complex, it was originally named MASH-1 for mammalian achaete scute homolog-1. [7]
神经标志物 - Abcam中文官网
本指南为您讲解如何为神经元 (Neurons)和神经胶质 (Glia)找到最佳神经亚型标记物。标记物包括NeuN, MAP2和beta III tubulin等。
Ascl1/Mash1 is required for the development of central ... - Nature
2004年5月9日 · The basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) gene Ascl1 (also known as Mash1) is coexpressed with Nkx2-2 in the neuroepithelial domain of the hindbrain, which gives rise to 5-HT neurons.
Mash1 specifies neurons and oligodendrocytes in the postnatal …
Progenitors in the telencephalic subventricular zone (SVZ) remain mitotically active throughout life, and produce different cell types at embryonic, postnatal and adult stages. Here we show that Mash1, an important proneural gene in the embryonic ...
神经分化发育相关基因Mash-1的研究进展 - pku.edu.cn
Mash-1 (mammalian achaete-scute homologue-1)含碱性螺旋-环-螺旋 (basic helix-loop-helix, bHLH)结构域,能与E 蛋白结合启动下游基因的转录.Mash-1在神经系统发育过程中是通过Notch介导的一系列信号来调控转录.Id竞争性地和E...
Ascl1 / Mash1是中枢5-羟色胺能神经元发育所必需的。,Nature …
脊椎动物中中央血清素能(5-HT)神经元分化的转录控制最近受到了严格审查,已显示其涉及同源盒基因Nkx2-2和Lmx1b,Ets域基因Pet1(也称为Fev)和锌指基因Gata3。 基本的螺旋-环-螺旋(bHLH)基因Ascl1(也称为Mash1)在后脑的神经上皮域中与Nkx2-2共表达,从而产生5-HT神经元。 在这里,我们在小鼠中显示,Ascl1是5-HT神经元诞生所必需的,既是神经元基因,用于产生有丝分裂后神经元前体,又是血清素能表型的决定因素,用于并行激活Gata3,Lmx1b和Pet1 …
Ascl1/Mash1 promotes brain oligodendrogenesis during
2013年6月5日 · Ascl1/Mash1 is a proneural transcription factor previously implicated in embryonic oligodendrogenesis and operating in genetic interaction with Olig2, an essential transcriptional regulator in oligodendrocyte development. Herein, we have investigated the contribution of Ascl1 to oligodendrocyte development and remyelination in the postnatal cortex.
Transcription Factor Mash1 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Transcription Factor Mash1 is a key factor involved in direct lineage conversion into neurons, along with other transcription factors like Ascl1, Brn2, and Myt1L. It plays a crucial role in neuronal lineage determination during development and is utilized to derive various subtypes of neurons.
MASH1介导肾上腺髓质嗜铬细胞发生神经元转分化 - PMC
肾上腺髓质嗜铬细胞 (adrenal medulla chromaffin cells,AMCCs)在神经生长因子 (nerve growth factor,NGF)诱导下向神经元转分化,引起肾上腺素分泌减少,其可能参与了支气管哮喘的发病。 神经分化发育的关键因子哺乳动物无刚毛-鳞甲同源物 (mammalian achaete scute-homologous 1,MASH1)在神经元转分化的AMCCs中升高。 本研究拟探讨MASH1对AMCCs神经元转分化的影响及机制。 分离并培养大鼠AMCCs,用siMASH1、MASH1过表达质粒转染,再用NGF和/或 …
原神经因子Mash1对神经祖细胞增殖和分化的转录控 …
2010年11月1日 · 突变分析表明,Mash1 确实是胚胎大脑中分裂祖细胞的产生和培养中神经干细胞正常分裂所必需的。 神经源性分化程序的许多方面的协调调节在很大程度上由所谓的原神经基因编码的基本螺旋-环-螺旋 (bHLH) 转录因子控制。 尽管关于它们的细胞活动的信息丰富,但对 Mash1 等原神经因子调节神经发生的分子机制知之甚少,其靶基因的身份仍然很大程度上未知。 我们使用 ChIP-on-chip 对胚胎脑祖细胞和神经干细胞培养物进行了全基因组定位分析,以表征受 Mash1 …