Spline Mask - Maxon
Use the Spline Mask to cut out, connect, etc. spline shapes. This works best when the splines are smooth and all in on the same plane. This is a very good tool for quickly creating spline shapes. Spline Maskobjects can be used everywhere where a normal spline can be used: . Extrude object .
Masking In Cinema 4D - YouTube
Here we go over how to quickly setup masking inside Cinema 4D as well as inverted masking which can create some cool effects on its own. Download the scene f...
How to use Spline Mask in Cinema 4D Tutorial - YouTube
2018年2月2日 · how to make Logo Mask Shape using Splines in Cinema 4D Tutorial, hope you guys find this tutorial so useful and interesting, Enjoy. if you are not able to find spline mask, just click shift+C...
Learn Spline Masks in Cinema 4D - YouTube
2018年9月15日 · Project Files:https://www.astronomicskills.com/p/learn-spline-masks-in-cinema-4dMy Udemy Courses:https://www.udemy.com/user/michael-balchaitis/https://www.qu...
Masking In Cinema 4D - Alpha Pixel
A flexible way to mask objects in your 3D scene! This is an update to a previous tip on how to mask objects in Cinema 4D. The update includes the tip of inverted masking which will keep …
A Spline Mask can be converted to a polygon object via the Make Editable or Current State to Object commands (Create Cap must be active). 此外,每个 (闭合)样条形状可以显示在多边形模式。
C4D姿态变形工具绑定人物面具教程TUTORIAL THE MASK (1994) - The Mask …
2015年5月18日 · 看看是关于什么方面的教程,仔细学习一下。 课程名称:C4D姿态变形工具绑定人物面具教程TUTORIAL THE MASK (1994) - The Mask EFFECT知识点:绑定蒙皮教程、人物绑定教程、姿态变形、变形教程 C4D教程教程 ...
Quick Tip for Masking 3D Objects in Cinema 4D - Lesterbanks
2014年12月16日 · AJ Haines shows a quick way to easily mask 3D objects in Cinema 4D using a really simple approach. There are times when you may encounter a complicated masking …
C4D牛角魔王面具模型 LP_mask
7070 c4d之家模型 2017-03-31 09:00 化妆品之面膜C4D模型渲染 Facial mask 11110 maxon 2017-01-12 16:30 21套C4D人脸面具装扮模型合集 Face mask model 10100 c4d之家模型 2016-12-23 16:55 C4D小技巧:制作金属物体的边缘磨损效果教程 18190 玛雅文明 2016-11-13 11:56 盖伊福克斯万圣节面具C4D模型 ...
How to use Cinema 4D Object Buffers to create Masks and Track …
2016年7月13日 · Using Object Buffers in Cinema 4D makes it easy to create masks and track mattes for individual objects. Haven't heard of object buffers? What you can do is use the Compositing Tag to assign an object buffer to individual 3D objects, then when you render out a multi-pass render, you'll al