Category:Fallout 4 headwear | Fallout Wiki | Fandom
Assault gas mask (Fallout 4) B Bandana (Fallout 4) Baseball uniform (Fallout 4) Battered fedora (Fallout 4) Black-rim glasses (Fallout 4) Blue batting helmet (Fallout 4) BOS hood (Fallout 4) Bowler hat (Fallout 4) Brown flight helmet; C Captain Ironsides' hat; Chef hat (Fallout 4) Coast Guard hat (Fallout 4)
Surgical mask (Fallout 4) - Fandom
The surgical mask is a piece of headwear in Fallout 4. It is purely cosmetic, and is similar as well as worn similar to other bandanas in the Commonwealth. Can be found on the female ghoul worker...
List of All Masks | Fallout 4 (FO4)|Game8
2024年5月25日 · This is a list of all masks in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on to see an all mask list and find out all masks with radiation resistance.
Gas mask (Fallout 4) - Fandom
The gas mask is a piece of headwear that can be obtained in Fallout 4. A simple gas mask that covers the entire face. It is held on to the wearer by adjustable straps. It provides a Damage Resistance of 1 and a Radiation Resistance of 15 while …
Fallout 4 headwear - The Fallout Wiki
These items count as hats, eyewear, and masks. Increases movement speed by 10%. Increases wearer's movement speed by 10%. Reduces damage from robots by 15%. +1 to Charisma and Intelligence (Sharp). Welding goggles are equippable on Dogmeat. All bandanas are equippable on both NPCs and dogs as a cosmetic item.
Gas Mask ID and Variants | Fallout 4 (FO4)|Game8
2024年5月25日 · Gas Mask is a type of mask in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on to learn Gas Mask's ID, variants, and stats.
The American M40 Field Protective Mask - Nexus Mods
2023年8月18日 · This is a replacer mod, it replaces the native Gas mask with Goggles Model. Please be advised that this is NOT a standalone. The American M40 Field Protective Mask was the most widely known and used gas mask from the mid-80s to early 2010s before being replaced shortly by the M50.
VT Mask MK II at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community
2024年4月20日 · A Half covered mask. The evolutionary version of Vault-Tec Mask, create on chemistry station. The MKII version has added Recon Scope(Mark the targeted enemy) and TargetingHUD(Clearly display living target) functions on the original version. Modification on armor workbench. Now, you can also choose to add Toggleable Night Vision.
Ballistic Skull Mask at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community
Adds a Ballistic Mask with a bunch retextures to Fallout 4. Can be crafted in the Chembench under HeroicPie and Modified in the Armor Workbench.
Fallout 4 armor and clothing
In Fallout 4, the wardrobe system allows the Sole Survivor to make up their own outfit from a variety of clothing and armor. The system is divided into nine slots and two layers : Many items in the wardrobe take up several spots, including armor spots, restricting the other pieces with which they can be combined.