The Mass Effect Subreddit
In our sub, "OT" stands for "Original Trilogy," and refers to Mass Effect 1-3, excluding Andromeda. "LE" stands for the Legendary Edition of the OT, specifically. Is the ME3/MEA multiplayer still active? Yes. Please visit r/MECoOp. Is Mass Effect: Andromeda really that bad / worth it?
Are Mass Effect games worth it? : r/masseffect - Reddit
What makes Mass Effect worth playing? Great characters. A really good story. One of the all-time great sci-fi universes. And you experience all three over three games in which you make choices that deepen your investment even further. It's a truly unique experience. Should you play all three games? I recommend the original trilogy.
A Mission Order & Squad Choice Guide to the Trilogy
2021年5月13日 · Mass Effect. Noveria before Feros. It allows you to capitalize quickly on the new squadmate (Liara) and exploring her Benezia connection when it's still fresh. Also, having Noveria in the middle makes it so you're not just going from one "alien ruins" mission to the next, with Port Hanshan being a nice change of scenery.
Recommended Mods For Every Game In The Series : r/masseffect
2020年11月11日 · Mass Effect 2. ME2Recalibrated - A huge mod for Mass Effect 2, restoring the prequel much of its grandeur by slaying tons of bugs/inconsistencies and restoring/creating content. You can now access Illium before Horizon, and experience the main DLCs at a more reasonable pace (among of dozens of other additions). Mass Effect 3. Must Get
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - mods recommendations
2023年1月23日 · Take earth back, an overhaul for the final mission of Mass Effect 3 with the aim of representing the allies you have gathered over the course of the trilogy. Link: Take Earth Back at Mass Effect Legendary Edition Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
Is Multiplayer Worth It in 2023? : r/masseffect - Reddit
2023年4月25日 · My first experience with Mass Effect so far has been through the Legendary Edition and Andromeda's campaign mode. From what I am aware of, ME3 had a multiplayer mode that did not carry over to the Legendary Edition. Would it be worth it to buy Mass Effect 3 purely to play multiplayer modes? Is there still an active community around that?
Level scaling Legendary mode or classic? : r/masseffect - Reddit
2021年5月13日 · This subreddit is the unofficial forum for those who love the Mass Effect universe including the games, comics, and books! Members Online Just some mod appreciation, but thanks to the creators of "Project Variety" for fixing a wierd plot hole in ME3 where the leader of the Blood Pack is a Vorcha for some reason
Ranking Classes for Insanity runs in ME1, ME2, & ME3 (ME1 spoiler)
2021年5月23日 · Mass effect 1 my rankings are the same as yours except to bump adept upto #1. Using unity has a x10 better cooldown in LE which makes hp not as much of an issue with instant refills in the med bay. With liara in squad you can literally stun lock everything in the game that aint a turret with either lift, singularity and a low cool down.
The Legendary Infiltrator Build & Guide : r/masseffect - Reddit
2022年7月10日 · mass effect 2 Infiltrator has certainly come a long way from ME1 to ME2, mostly thanks to the radical gameplay changes that were overhauled from the predecessor. Still being a mix of Tech and Combat, ME2’s take on Infiltrator is probably more in line with what most people would think of in terms of the archetypical title, rather than as just ...
I made a list of great mods for Andromeda, along with a ... - Reddit
2020年6月27日 · Welcome to the Mass Effect Andromeda (MEA) Subreddit, a home of polite discussions about the Andromeda galaxy and its occupants. Game discussions, theories, meaningful screenshots, sharing your Ryders, original (OC) fanart and fanfic, and stories of your gaming experience are all welcomed. Please, read our rules before posting.