Mass & Charge of Proton, Neutron & Electron: Explained - Physics …
2012年12月26日 · The mass of a system is not the sum of the masses of its constituents. The proton's mass is m = E/c 2 where E is the total energy. E includes rest mass of quarks, but also includes the kinetic energy of both quarks and gluons, …
How to Determine Proton Movement in Electric and Magnetic …
2008年4月16日 · A proton of mass mp and charge e is in a box that contains an electric field E, and the box is located in Earth's magnetic field B. The proton moves with an initial velocity vertically upward from the surface of Earth. Assume gravity is negligible.
Final Speed of a Proton Accelerated by Potential Difference V: …
2007年4月23日 · A charge of q accelerated across a potential V will have a change in energy of delta(E) = qV. If at rest, the change in energy is equal to the change in kinetic energy, assuming it is non-relativistic, which is a reasonable assumption in the case.
Charge to Mass Ratio difference between Electrons and Protons.
2008年11月19日 · Notice that the proton is larger than the electron. If they both have a charge of 1, Negative 1 for the electron, positive 1 for the proton, then the concentration of energy in the much larger proton must be less, though the same amount of energy is still present, it is spread out further than the tightly packed energy of the electron.
Charge Calculation: Mass/Charge Ratio Explained - Physics Forums
2008年12月22日 · In summary, charge calculation involves determining the mass/charge ratio of a particle, which is the ratio of its mass to its charge. This ratio is crucial in understanding the properties and behavior of particles in various fields such as physics and chemistry.
Charge on a electron & proton. - Physics Forums
2003年11月4日 · where h.p is the angular momentum of the proton and is equal to the mass of the proton times the Compton wavelength, times the speed of light. h.p = 1836h I was also able to mathematically determine the fine structure of the proton by applying the same proportions of the electron unified field equation to the proton.
Why have electron and proton same magnitude of charge?
2011年1月27日 · Neutrinos mostly avoid detection, however.Ok, now back to the question of charge and mass. There is definite contribution to the mass of the particle from its charge, but as you can plainly see, it's not the only contribution. Leptons with the same charge can differ in mass despite being far more similar than electron to proton.
Magentism: Solving Proton Homework Statement - Physics Forums
2009年5月18日 · Homework Statement A proton of mass m, and charge q is in a box that contains an electric field E, and the box is located in Earth's magnetic field BEarth. The proton moves with an initial velocity v vertically upward from the surface of Earth. Assume gravity is negligible. a. Indicate...
Acceleration of a proton in an electric field - Physics Forums
2012年8月18日 · Homework Statement A proton (+e) accelerates from rest in a uniform electric field of 640 N/C. At some later time, the proton's speed is 1.20 x 10^6 m/s. Find the acceleration of the proton. The mass of a proton is 1.67x10^-27 kg. Charge on a proton is +1.6x10^-19C. Homework Equations...
Proton Acceleration in Uniform Magnetic Field: Homework Solution
2009年6月30日 · A proton travels horizontally with speed 4.0E6 m/s in a vertical uniform magnetic field of 1.5 tesla. Determine the magnitude of proton's acceleration. Describe it' s path. Homework Equations F=qvB F=ma Mass of proton=1.67E-27kg Charge of proton=1.60E-19C The Attempt at a Solution This is what I did and want to know if I am thinking correctly ...