Regulation 29 - Decision support system for masters of
Regulation 29 - Decision support system for masters of passenger ships 1 This regulation applies to all passenger ships. Passenger ships constructed before 1 July 1997 shall comply with the requirements of this regulation not later than the date of the first periodical survey after 1 …
7.24 Decision Support System for Masters: - IMORULES
7.24 Decision Support System for Masters: (1) All ships shall be provided with a decision support system for emergency management on the navigation bridge. (2) The system shall, as a minimum, consist of a printed emergency plan or plans footnote .
Annex - Recommendations on a Decision Support System for
If a critical trend is detected or the alarm level is exceeded, the system should alert the master/officer of the watch by audible alarms, and a visual indication of the sensor signal in question should be provided.
sensor signals or standards for the layout and organization of a decision support system for masters on passenger ships to be used in emergency situations, HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its sixty-
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USMC LCMI Portal - Logtool
The Master Scheduling Support Tool provides visibility of and workflow for the overall USMC Master Work Schedule (MWS) process. Repair parts supply, maintenance funding, and scheduling of Principal End Items and Secondary Reparables are associated directly with the repair assembly lines.
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Management Support Systems (MSS) are computer-based systems that are supposed to provide information to be used by or at least to support managerial decision making.
Decision Support System (DSS) - What Is It, Example, Components
A Decision Support System (DSS) is a computerized tool that assists individuals and organizations in making well-informed decisions. It combines data analysis, modeling, and interactive interfaces to tackle complex problems and aid decision-makers in various fields.
OMS ERP - OMS/Pavo Support - Master System
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