Matariki - Wikipedia
In Māori culture, Matariki is the Pleiades star cluster and a celebration of its first rising in late June or early July. The rising marks the beginning of the new year in the Māori lunar calendar. Historically, Matariki was usually celebrated for a period of days during the last quarter of the moon of the lunar month Pipiri (around June).
Matariki in the night sky – Matariki – Te Tau Hou Māori – Te Ara ...
To find Matariki, look to the left of Tautoru (the pot), find the bright orange star, Taumata-kuku (Alderbaran). Follow an imaginary line from Tautoru, across to Taumata-kuku and keep going until you hit a cluster of stars. That cluster is Matariki. If you have good eyes you should be able to pick out individual stars.
玛塔里基:毛利新年 | 百分百纯净新西兰
玛塔里基是新西兰的冬季中旬月份出现在晨曦天际的一个星团。 它也是个世界知名的星团,可以在地球各处于的不同时节观看到。 它是天空中最明亮的星团之一,包含数百颗星体成员。 玛塔里基在世界各地有不同的名称。 英语中,以古希腊文将其命名为昴宿星团 (Pleiades) 或七姐妹星团。 在夏威夷称之为Makali’i ,意为“皇族之眼”;而在日本则名为Subaru,有“团聚”之意。 玛塔里基的重要意义是什么? 玛塔里基在毛利文化(毛利世界观)里被视为毛利新年。 每逢玛塔里基在清 …
Matariki: Māori New Year | 100% Pure New Zealand
Matariki is known as the Māori New Year in Te Ao Māori (the Māori world view). Closely connected with the maramataka (the Māori lunar calendar), the reappearance of the Matariki stars in the early morning sky brings the past year to a close and marks the beginning of the new year.
How to find the Matariki star cluster: Best times and locations
2024年6月27日 · Where is Matariki in the sky? You can spot Matariki by looking at the recognisable star groups, such as the Southern Cross (Te Punga) and Orion’s Belt (Tautoru). See below a helpful diagram of where to find Matariki in the sky. Aotearoa is fantastic for stargazing as there are many places around the country with low light pollution.
Story: Matariki – Te Tau Hou Māori - Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of …
Twinkling in the winter sky just before dawn, Matariki (the Pleiades) signals the Māori New Year. For Māori, the appearance of Matariki heralds a time of remembrance, joy and peace. It is a time for communities to come together and celebrate. In the 2000s, it …
Te Iwa a Matariki – Matariki - Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Matariki has nine visible stars according to leading Māori astronomer Dr Rangi Matamua, who has been researching Matariki for over 30 years. Each star holds a certain significance over our wellbeing and environment as seen from the Māori view of the world.
What is Matariki? | Te Papa
Matariki is the star cluster most commonly known across the world as Pleiades. This cluster is part of a larger constellation of stars called Taurus. It is one of the earliest recorded groups of stars in human history, with a record that dates back some 17,000 years.
Matariki – Te Tau Hou Māori
Matariki is a small cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades, in the Taurus constellation. In New Zealand it comes into view low on the north-eastern horizon, in the tail of the Milky Way, just before dawn in midwinter. This heralds the Māori New Year and the changing of the seasons.
Matariki - Milky-Way.Kiwi
2024年6月22日 · Matariki is the Māori name for the Pleiades star cluster (also known as Messier 45 or M45) for when it becomes visible in the pre-dawn sky around June. Its heliacal rising—when the cluster first appears on the horizon just before sunrise—signals the …