(EOL)Flight Controller F405-VTOL – Matek Systems
PINIO. PINIO1 /PIO1 pad, Low Level by default, Low/High level switchable by Mode-USER1; PINIO2 is for camera input switch by Modes-USER2; Tips. F405-VTOL has INAV fw preloaded for QC; Download INAV (Target MATEKF405TE_SD) …
(EOL) Flight Controller F405-STD – Matek Systems
ArduPilot (ChibiOS) Target MatekF405 for F405-CTR; ArduPilot (ChibiOS) Target MatekF405-STD for F405-STD; PWM outputs. S1 PWM1 TIM3; S2 PWM2 TIM8; S3 PWM3 TIM8; S4 PWM4 TIM8; S5 PWM5 TIM2; S6 PWM6 TIM1; Motor can’t share same TIM with servo. Default UART order. SERIAL0 = console = USB; SERIAL1 = Telemetry1 = USART3
(EOL)Flight Controller F405-WING – Matek Systems
Youtube Step By Step Guide | Arduplane/Chibios On Matek F405-Wing Board; Threads related. RCG Most Integrated Ardupilot Flight Controller (ChiBios) RCG Matek F405-WING Flight Controller // iNav & ArduPlane; PWM outputs. S1, PB7 TIM4_CH2 TIM4 PWM(1) GPIO(50) S2, PB6 TIM4_CH1 TIM4 PWM(2) GPIO(51) S3, PB0 TIM3_CH3 TIM3 PWM(3) GPIO(52)
Flight Controller F405-WMN – Matek Systems
PINIO. PINIO1 /PIO1 pad, Low Level by default, Low/High level switchable by Mode-USER1; PINIO2 is for camera input switch by Modes-USER2; Tips. F405-WMN has INAV fw preloaded for QC; Download INAV firmware 4.1.x from our website.
Flight Controller F405-WING-V2 - Matek Sys
ArduPilot Tips: ArduPlane firmware “MatekF405-WING” must be 4.4.0 or newer version. BATT_AMP_PERVLT 66.7; Use 5V active buzzer on “Buz-” and 5V pads, Tone alarm is not supported.
Flight Controller F405-WTE – Matek Systems
Wire 4v5 and GND of F405-WTE to 5V and GND of the USB-TTL. Connect USB-TTL Adapter to PC while pressing and holding the ESP8285 boot button in. in configurator, Select the target RadioMaster RP1 2.4GHz RX (or HappyModel EP1/EP2 2.4GHz RX) and “ UART ” for Flashing Method, set your bind phrase and Firmware Options and once done, click on ...
(EOL)Flight Controller F405-OSD – Matek Systems
Flight Controller F405-OSD STM32F405RGT6, ICM20602, BFOSD, SD Card Slot, VCP+5x UARTs, 6x PWM / DShot outputs Album & INFO Spec.& Features Connection Guide Frsky SmartPort BOOT(DFU) Mode BetaFlight OSD Firmware & Downloads Tips
Flight Controller F405-miniTE – Matek Systems
The new features of F405-miniTE compared with F722-miniSE(EOL) F405 has 1MB flash which can run with ArduPilot. even with INAV firmware, some features will be removed on F722 due to limited flash. The advantage of F722 is all UARTs have builtin inversion which is not needed when CRSF protocol is widely used on new receivers.
Flight Controller F405-TE – Matek Systems
F405-TE has INAV fw preloaded for QC; set BLHeli32 ESC PWM rate to 48KHz or higher in BLHeliSuite; ArduPilot. ArduPilot fw, “Internal errors 0x4000 l:213 spi_fail” warining, pls set LOG_BACKEND_TYPE = 1 (File) for SD card logging. Download ArduPilot firmware from HERE. INAV
(EOL) Flight Controller F405-SE – Matek Systems
F405-SE has INAV firmware preloaded for QC; INAV2.5.1 downloaded from configurator don’t support new barometer DPS310. Pls use INAV2.6 and new configurator. ArduPilot Firmware “MATEKF405-WING″ has supported the onboard barometer DPS310 since Plane-4.0.6 & …