01:640:115 - Precalculus College Mathematics - Department of Mathematics
Prerequisite: 01:640:026 or appropriate performance on the placement test in mathematics. Students may not receive more that 4 normal credits for any combination of 01:640:111-112, and 115.
MATH 115 Mathematics for Liberal Arts - Liberty University
2025年3月13日 · math 115 Course Description A survey course for liberal arts majors including a review of algebra and an introduction to logic, probability and statistics, mathematical structures, problem...
100-Level Math Courses | U-M LSA Mathematics - College of LSA …
The sequence Math 115-116-215 is the standard complete introduction to the concepts and methods of calculus. It is taken by the majority of students intending to major in mathematics, science, or engineering as well as students heading for many other fields. The emphasis is on concepts and solving problems rather than theory and proof.
MATH 115 Course | Queens College Catalog
Students who fail or withdraw from this course multiple times may be prohibited from majoring in the sciences or mathematics; see the bulletin language for your major. Typically Offered Fall, Spring
Welcome to MATH 115 - University of Michigan
Math Lab Instructional Technology: Exam grades, practice masteries, and more. Prep Math Site: Learn and practice essential mathematical skills that you will use during the semester.
Department of Mathematics - Math 115 - Precalculus - UMD
MATH 115 is a preparation for Calculus, either MATH 220 (for which Math 113 is an alternate prerequisite) or MATH 140, with a focus on functions and graphs and algebraic techniques preparatory to calculus. The functions studied include polynomials, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometric functions.
Math 115 - Pre-Calculus - University of Delaware
Math 115 - Pre-Calculus is an in-depth study of functions. Several function classes are studied, including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions at the University of Delaware.
MAT 115 Course | LaGuardia CC Catalog
Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Description This course begins with a review of basic algebra skills such as factoring, solving linear equations and inequalities and proceeds to study polynomial, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions.
MAT 3115 (LUOA), MATH 115 (LUO): Mathematics for Liberal Arts
Since Math 115 is the only mathematics course that many students will take, it is designed to dispel the common notion that mathematics is only arithmetic or algebra.
Syllabus Math 115 | Department of Mathematics | Illinois
Math 115. Preparation for Calculus. Course Description: Reviews trigonometric, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; provides a full treatment of limits, and may include the definition of derivative, and an introduction to finding area under a curve. Intended for students who need preparation for Math 220 (Calculus), either because ...