c - Mapping a numeric range onto another - Stack Overflow
Let's forget the math and try to solve this intuitively. First, if we want to map input numbers in the range [0, x] to output range [0, y], we just need to scale by an appropriate amount. 0 goes to 0, x goes to y, and a number t will go to (y/x)*t.
Math - mapping numbers - Stack Overflow
2019年7月19日 · How do I map numbers, linearly, between a and b to go between c and d. That is, I want numbers between 2 and 6 to map to numbers between 10 and 20... but I need the generalized case. My brain is ...
How to map numbers in range <0;99> to range <-1.0;1.0>?
2010年11月11日 · Don't do scaling manually; it takes far too much squinting at the math to figure out what's really intended. Use a helper function. def scale(val, src, dst): """ Scale the given value from the scale of src to the scale of dst.
math - How to nonlinearly map two number ranges in LUA (or in …
function map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max) return out_min + (x - in_min)*(out_max - out_min)/(in_max - in_min) end which I saw at. Mapping a numeric range onto another. and then when I receive an internal EQ gain value on the EQ that is being adjusted, I calculate the value to be mirrored on the other EQ as
Remap or Map function in Javascript - Stack Overflow
I wouldn't call it "map", personally, because of the (well, my) association of "map" with a list processing mechanism. (Note that you might want to check for range reversal errors, I guess; I'm not familiar with the exact semantics of "map" from Processing.)
math - how map 2d grid points (x,y) onto sphere as 3d points (x,y,z ...
2015年3月12日 · I have a set of 2d grid points (x,y) that I want to map/project onto a sphere as 3d points (x,y,z). I realize there will be some warping towards the poles as abs(y) increases but my grid patch will only cover a portion of the sphere near the …
map function implementation in C - Stack Overflow
2020年4月2日 · how can i implement a map function in C so I can use it in atmel studio for example the map function arduino C how can I use it in Atmel Studio x = analogRead(A0); y = map (x, 0 , 1023 , 0 , 2500 );
arduino - What does the C++ map() function do - Stack Overflow
The best matching function I can find for map() is here but it doesn't appear to match the integer parameters that are being passed into the function. Obviously ideally I would run this code but unfortunately I am yet unable to get this to compile.
math - Map a 2D Vector to a Rectangle - Stack Overflow
2017年7月29日 · I'm not very good at maths. However, during game development, I need to map a normalized 2D vector, let's say vector a, to a point on the edge of a rectangle. Vector a represents a direction from the centre of the rectangle, you can assume that the rectangle's centre is at the origin (0, 0). I then need to change the length of this vector to ...
math - Map/Reduce: any theoretical foundation beyond "howto"?
2012年11月13日 · Similarly, the map-reduce construct has two arguments named map and reduce, each functions. So analogously to while, the useful questions to ask are about proving correctness of constructed programs relative to given preconditions and postconditions. And as usual, those questions involve (a) termination and run-time performance and (b ...