“Mathom [Matorma] (Limba... - The African History Channel
"Mathom", more commonly known as "Matorma" (pictured left), is described, as a 'devil' belonging to the Gbangbani Secret Society of the Limba people, tasked with seeking out witchdoctors and other evil-doers. #Limba #Mathom #Matorma #Ghongorli #Kongoli #Gongoli #Mask #Masquerade #Freetown #Aberdeen #SierraLeone.
Sierra Leone Heritage Matorma Masquerade Costume
The Matorma is a Limba masquerade figure belonging to the Gbangbani Society. Traditionally, it comes out to seek out witchdoctors and other evil-doers. The horsetail in the figure's left hand serves as a shield to defend against witches. It also serves as a communication device to call other senior Society members for help if needed.
马松 - 魔戒中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
马松(Mathom)是一个霍比特方言里的词汇,记录中没有在夏尔之外的地区被使用。 它是对留之无用、弃之可惜的物品的称呼,类似中文的“鸡肋” [1] 。
Outfits - Lotro-Wiki.com
2025年3月6日 · Hoods and Masks. Beaver Festival Mask. Boar-head Festival Mask. Bucket Festival Mask. Chicken Mask. Donkey Mask. Duckling Mask. Fine Grey Company Hood. ... Mathom Long-sleeved Tunic and Trousers. Plain Long-sleeved Tunic and Trousers. Plain Short-sleeved Tunic and Trousers. Prospector's Garments.
What is a mathom? - FOLDS.NET
What is a mathom? n. hobbitish. A birthday present, esp. one whose use has been forgotten. " Hobbits give presents to other people on their own birthdays. Not very expensive ones, as a rule, and not so lavishly as on this occasion; but it was not a bad system." -- The Fellowship of the Ring, pp. 50-51.
Best use of mathom vouchers for light spender? : r/RiseToWar - Reddit
2022年6月6日 · My opinion is that gear is much easier to come across than commander levels. Whilst Mathom voucher gear is far to expensive. I’d focus on pushing 1-2 comms to r5-r10. Some like Gandalf are amazing at higher levels as they’re used In the early game.
Welcome to mathom
Old English: a precious thing, treasure, valuable gift; hobbitish: "Anything that Hobbits had no immediate use for, but were unwilling to throw away, they called a mathom. Their dwellings were apt to become rather crowded with mathoms, and many of the presents that passed from hand to hand were of that sort"
Mathom | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Mathom was the hobbit term for anything they had no use for but were unwilling to discard. Their holes and houses were crowded with these. Hobbits were very fond of giving mathoms to one another; on birthdays, it was tradition that the hobbit who …
Masks - Mathom Store S.L.
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浅析深度学习中的mask操作 - CSDN博客
2020年2月26日 · mask (掩码、掩膜)是 深度学习 中的常见操作。 简单而言,其相当于在原始张量上盖上一层 掩膜,从而屏蔽或选择一些特定元素,因此常用于构建张量的过滤器(见下图)。 按照上述定义,非线性激活函数Relu(根据输出的正负区间进行简单粗暴的二分)、dropout机制(根据概率进行二分)都可以理解为泛化的mask操作。 从任务适应性上,mask在图像和 自然语言处理 中都广为应用,其应用包括但不局限于:图像兴趣区提取、图像屏蔽、图像结构特征提 …