What is the meaning and importance of the Last Supper?
2022年1月4日 · The Last Supper is what we call the last meal Jesus ate with His disciples before His betrayal and arrest. The Last Supper is recorded in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 26:17–30; Mark 14:12–26; Luke 22:7–30). It was more than Jesus’ …
Matthew 26:17-30 - BibleGateway.com
26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”
Matthew 26:26-29 meaning - TheBibleSays.com
Matthew summarizes his account to include the three moments from Jesus’s retelling of the Passover that most stand out. During this meal, Jesus reveals how the Bread and Wine of the Seder Meal are chiefly about Himself and His role as the Messiah.
The Last Supper & Passover: Overlooking the Obvious?
What might have prompted Mark to try changing an ordinary meal into a Passover observance? He may have wished to correlate Passover, festival of freedom for the Jews, with Jesus’ death and resurrection, which brought freedom for humanity. Here Matthew and Luke followed Mark albeit repairing him.
Topical Bible: Last Supper
The Last Supper is a pivotal event in the New Testament, marking the final meal Jesus shared with His disciples before His crucifixion. This event is recounted in the Synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—and is alluded to in the Gospel of John.
Matthew 26:26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, spoke a ...
The meal was traditionally eaten in a family setting, and Jesus is with His disciples, indicating a close-knit group. The Passover meal included unleavened bread, wine, bitter herbs, and lamb, each symbolizing aspects of the Exodus story.
Matthew 26:17-30,Mark 14:12-26,Luke 22:7-23,John 13:1-35 NIV
2 The evening meal was in progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus. ( D ) 3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, ( E ) and that he had come from God ( F ) and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around ...
Enduring Word Bible Commentary Matthew Chapter 26
The main course of the meal – a lamb freshly sacrificed for that particular household – did not symbolize anything connected to the agonies of Egypt. It was the sin-bearing sacrifice that allowed the judgment of God to pass over the household that believed.
The Last Supper Preparations - Bible Hub
The Last Supper, a pivotal event in the New Testament, marks the final meal Jesus shared with His disciples before His crucifixion. The preparations for this significant event are detailed in the Synoptic Gospels: Matthew 26:17-19 , Mark 14:12-16 , and Luke 22:7-13 .
Does John’s Last Supper Chronology Differ from the Other Gospels?
2024年4月30日 · Close readers of the Gospels understand that John’s timeline of the Last Supper seems to differ from the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). The Synoptics indicate that the disciples prepared the Passover meal “on the first day of Unleavened Bread,” or Thursday night (Mark 14:12; see also Matt. 26:17; Luke 22:7).