  1. Copilot 答案

    Maui Reef Fish Guide - The Snorkel Store

    • A member of the Chaetodontidae family of reef fish, the Ornate Butterfly is widely considered one of the most attractive fish in the Hawaiian waters. You can easily recognize the Ornate Butterfly by the six orang… 展开

    Threadfin Butterfly

    Threadfin Butterfly is one of the most commonly recognizeable butterfly fish, especially for saltwater tank enthusiasts. This beautiful multicolor fish can be found in outer reef slop… 展开

    The Snorkel Store
    Yellow Longnose Butterfly

    With a snout resembling needle-nose plier, the Yellow Longnose Butterfly is easily able to pick food from rock crevices and craggy coral reef. Properly called the “Forcipiger Flavissimus” thi… 展开

    The Snorkel Store
    Raccoon Butterfly

    This fish’s name originates from the black patches around its eyes which resemble those of a land Raccoon. Found most commonly in the Indo-Pacific and Southeast Atlanti… 展开

    The Snorkel Store