Maul! : r/DnD - Reddit
2021年2月21日 · Need a ranged weapon, throw a maul! Dual wielding, 2 mauls! Need that quick last minute gift for your kid, because you've spent too much time appreciating your maul and thinking of starting a maul stall and if your wife finds out you forgot the kids birthday again, she said she'll leave you. MAUL!
Best Locations for Training Weapon Skill (Classic/TBC)
2021年10月29日 · I wanted to compile a list of some of the best locations for leveling weapon skill, especially with Classic SOM coming soon. The Servant of Grol location will definitely be BIS for Classic launch and when Dire Maul comes out I will definitely be training all my weapons on the Gordok Spirit mobs. 1) Gordok Spirit / Dire Maul (59, 40)
What does a maul look like? : r/DnD - Reddit
2022年6月27日 · Sometimes it indicated something made of wood instead of metal. Sometimes it was like a wooden mace. But, historically, a maul used as a weapon would never have looked like a modern 15 pound wood-splitting maul. **edit** for the purposes of 5e, you can flavor it however you want. It is a heavy, 2-handed bludgeoning weapon.
Were sledgehammer style "mauls" ever regularly employed in …
2014年3月20日 · I've found a lot of good resources on the various bludgeons and spiked weapons used in the medieval period- mace, warhammer, morning star, etc. But the one fantasy trope I can't find much historical source for is the "Maul", which is usually depicted as looking like this. I find the idea of such a weapon to be highly impractical.
Justification for using a maul : r/dndnext - Reddit
2020年12月17日 · The maul is the traditional weapon of your tribe, and represents the power and heritage of your noble bloodline. Leave the bladed weaponry to the milk-drinkers that hide behind walls and beneath iron, you prefer to bludgeon your foes.
Warhammer vs Maul (5e) : r/DnD - Reddit
2015年5月6日 · Also the barbarians brutal critical adds only 1 additional weapon die, thus a crit at lvl 9 is 3d12 vs 5d6, at level 13 4d12 vs 6d6, at level 17 5d12 vs 7d6. Add on if you are a half orc, they essentially get one more "level" of brutal crit. Meaning a level 1-8 half orc barbarian rolls 3d12 or 5d6 for crits.
Maul or greatpick : r/Pathfinder_RPG - Reddit
2019年8月6日 · The flat bonus would just give you a bonus of 1 damage before doubling per weapon die so it'd be the same as upgrading to 7.5 average damage for each die (you can see that if we had a +3 striking weapon, rolling 4d12 using my 7.5 example would be 7.5x4 average of 30 x2 on crit is 60 and rolling 4d12 using normal dice is 6.5x4 average of 26 x2 ...
I ran out of good hammer/maul names : r/DnD - Reddit
Research reveals that this is a formidable weapon indeed. Far superior to a normal sledgehammer, this war hammer (also called 'The Hammer of Comminution') delivers a devastating strike that not only inflicts crushing damage, but also fractures any surface it contacts, whether bone, metal, or wood, inflicting extra damage... and if the victim ...
Is maul the best bludgeoning weapon? : r/DnD - Reddit
2023年1月4日 · Mechanically, a maul is the highest-damage bludgeoning option, yes. Thematically, nearly every DM I know agrees that flavor is free. So as long as you and your DM know what the weapon does, you can make it look like anything you want.
Clarification: Weapon damage dies : r/DnD5e - Reddit
2018年8月9日 · The Maul has a single d6 as a weapon die, but it normally rolls two for damage. Something that says to add a damage die would add 1d6. Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.