Mawu - Wikipedia
Mawu-Lisa (alternately: Mahu) is a creator goddess, associated with the Sun and Moon in Gbe mythology and West African Vodun. Mawu and Lisa are divine, put together they are an agender god. Mawu (Mahu, Mau) and Lisa are the children of Nana Buluku, and are the parents of Oba Koso (Shango), known as Hebioso among the Fon.
ntotan: The Vodoun Creation Story - Blogger
The first is MAWU, a Goddess, whose eyes are the moon. The other is LISA, a God, whose eyes are the sun. MAWU is calm and cool like the moon, and LISA, is hot and ruthless like the sun. Since MAWU-LISA is both God and Goddess, MAWU became pregnant and had a total of 9 children; including 2 pairs of twins.
From Fon to Vodou: The Evolution of Mawu-Lisa in African …
Discover the variations of Mawu-Lisa, the dual deity of West African mythology. Explore its origins, interpretations across cultures, and modern significance in Vodun and beyond. Home
African Traditional Religions: Mawu's Legacy and Women's …
The Fon of Dahomey is renowned for its ruling Empire and their belief in the Creator -Mawu-Lisa (now the Republic of Benin). Mawu is a female deity who established long lasting motivations in women to maintain their role as custodians of their culture.
Divinités - Vaudou
Mawu est la soeur jumelle et femme de Lisa. Elle est représentée par la lune qui gouverne la nuit. Elle est douce, clémente, sage et symbolise la fraîcheur, le repos et les rapprochements. Lisa est représenté par le soleil et gouverne le jour. Il est vif et rude et symbolise l'effort.
Sage Reference - Encyclopedia of African Religion - Mawu-Lisa
Mawu is the Omnipotent Father whose commands all world creatures must obey at all times. In his role as the patron saint of the universe and all things and creatures in it, Mawu-Lisa is surrounded by his children or creatures, that is, all Vodun who serve as intermediaries or emissaries between human beings and him.
West African Vodun – African Explorer Magazine
2020年9月23日 · Mawu or Mahu, is a female being. The Creator embodies a dual cosmogonic principle of which Mawu the moon and Lisa the sun are respectively the female and male aspects, often portrayed as the twin children of the Creator.
Bénin - Les vodouns
Mawu est l'appellation de la divinité créatrice dans la religion vodoun chez les peuples éwé et mina du Togo et du Bénin en Afrique de l'Ouest. C’est le Dieu suprême qui règne sur les autres dieux. C’est l’élément femelle du couple Mawu-Lissa. Mawu signifie : « …
Mawu - thaliatook.com
Mawu, the Dahomey Goddess of Creation and the Moon. Artwork and article by Thalia Took.
Mawu (vaudou) - Encyclopédie Wikimonde
Mawu est l'appellation de la divinité créatrice dans la religion des peuples éwé du Togo et du Bénin, en Afrique de l'Ouest. Mawu signifie en langue éwé « ce que l'on ne peut pas dépasser ». Le même mot est utilisé par les Ewé et Fon convertis au …