VO2 Max Runners Calculator
The VO2 max runners calculator will help you become an aware sportsman. Use it to meet your maximal aerobic capacity.
Predicting threshold pace, CV pace, and VO2max pace from 5k times
2024年11月19日 · Fortunately, it turns out that you can use 5k pace as a reasonably good predictor of threshold pace, CV pace, and VO2max pace by using the corresponding concepts …
5公里慢跑最大心率多少合适? - 知乎
你的最大心率用最粗略的方法计算就是 220-43 = 177,跑步心率为 115 - 138,这个心率下,对你的体重控制,心肺健康最有利。 你这次跑步达到的 158 的心率,是最大心率的 89%,这个心 …
5公里的10个等级,你属于哪一级? - 搜狐
2017年12月23日 · 今天,我们就根据速度来规划5公里的10个等级,看看正在跑步的你属于哪一级。 (以下衡量以自己的最好成绩为标准) 1、散步级(40分钟到1个小时) 5公里跑步超过40 …
Tool: Effective VO2max - Calculator – RUNALYZE
With this tool, you can view different race times for an Effective VO2max (or vice versa), as well as the corresponding training paces. VO2max as a scientific parameter is determined in the …
最大摄氧量评估(VO2 Max)-心肺功能评估-身体指标评估-健身 …
1.1 最大摄氧量指单位时间、单位体重,身体能最大使用的氧气量(体积) 1.2 最大摄氧量的单位为:ml/ (min*kg)一般用每分钟,每千克体重,最大获取的氧气量(毫升来表示) 1.3 最大摄 …
VO2 Max Calculator - runbundle
This calculator estimates a runner's VO 2 max based on a recent race result. It also predicts what a runner might achieve for that race distance for varying values of VO 2 max. Benefits
The 5 Best VO2 max Workouts for Runners - RunningFront™
Shorter race distances like the 5K and 10K are run at 90 – 95 percent of VO2 max. That means VO2max workouts are highly race-specific to these distances, and therefore, you should …
V.O2 Running Calculator - VDOT O2
VDOT is a measure of your current running ability. Enter a recent or estimated race result to get your VDOT score and current training paces. Each training pace is designed to help you …
Free VO2 Max Calculator - MiniWebtool
2024年12月4日 · The Free VO2 Max Calculator helps you estimate your VO2 Max (maximum oxygen uptake), which is a key indicator of your cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. …