h-index - Wikipedia
The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications, initially used for an individual scientist or scholar. The h-index correlates with success indicators such as winning the Nobel Prize, being accepted for research fellowships and holding positions at top universities. [1]
H-index 是什么?h-index 多高算高?大牛的 H-index 都有多高? …
今天,我们就来聊聊一个衡量大牛的重要指标—— h-index(h 指数),让你见识一下大牛。 什么是 h-index? h-index 是对学者论文生产力和研究影响力的粗略概括。 论文生产力通过论文数量来量化,研究影响力则通过学者的出版物被引用的次数来量化。 因为 h 指数较高的研究人员一般会发表更多同行认为重要的论文,所以 h-index 有助于确立一些学者的在邻域内的核心地位。 说白了, h 指数就像是一张“学术成绩单”,能够大概地反映出研究者的学术贡献和影响力。 h-index 最初 …
如何查询科研人员的H-index? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
H-index是通过对同一个科研人员所发表的文章个数及每篇文章他引的次数不低于发表文章个数进行计算的。例如:H-index为17意味着该科研人员发表了至少17篇论文,且每篇论文被引用了至少17次。如果该科研人员被引用次数最多的第18次出版物仅被引用10次,则h指数 ...
如何直观判断学者的科研水平:h-index 对应分级 - 知乎
该领域学者h-index在 中国知网 可获取,可对照验证。 h指数<5 ,教授群体中后10%,基本无科研能力,无科研天赋,无高被引文章,不算科研工作者。 大多为几十年前科研人才匮乏的年代误打误撞读了博士,顺理成章留校当了教授。
Articles Web of Science: h-index information - Clarivate
2022年6月9日 · Currently, Web of Science has a limit of 10,000 records that can be used to generate a Citation Report. To calculate an h-index using the result set, perform the following steps: 1. From the Results page, sort the result list by Times Cited -- highest to lowest by using the “Sort by:” box on the right hand side of the screen. 2.
Web of Science Researcher Profile Metrics
H-Index: you have an H-Index of N if you have at least N publications with at least N citations. Publications in Web of Science: the number of publications on your profile which are indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection .
Google Scholar Metrics Help
Scholar Metrics are currently based on our index as it was in July 2024. The h-index of a publication is the largest number h such that at least h articles in that publication were cited...
H-Index - Metrics Toolkit
The h-index is an author-level metric that combines information from the author’s publications and citations. The h-index is the maximum number of an author’s publications that are each cited at least h times. It was proposed in 2005 by Jorge Hirsch (1).
网络节点的h指数及其与度和相关度的关系(H-Index算法)_复杂网络h-index …
2023年10月4日 · H-index(h指数)是一种衡量学术成就和影响力的指标,用于评估学术研究者的学术产出和引用量。 H-index由物理学家Jorge E. Hirsch于2005年提出,旨在解决仅仅根据总引用数或论文数评估学术研究者的局限性。 Hirsch认为,学术研究者的影响力不应只由其总引用数或发表论文的数量来衡量,还应考虑引用次数的分布情况。 H-index就是一种综合考虑学术产出和引用量的指标。 H-index的解释是,一个学者有h篇论文的引用次数至少为h次,同时也有N-h篇论 …
H-Index: Understanding Research Impact and Citations
2025年2月19日 · How H-Index Works. The H-Index is calculated using a simple rule: A researcher has an H-Index of X if they have X papers that have been cited at least X times. Example Calculation: If a researcher has the following citation counts for their published papers: Paper A – 20 citations. Paper B – 15 citations. Paper C – 10 citations. Paper D ...