Maximilian Nitze - Wikipedia
Maximilian Carl-Friedrich Nitze (September 18, 1848 – February 23, 1906) was a German urologist born in Berlin. He studied medicine at the Universities of Heidelberg, Würzburg and …
Nitze, Maximilian - EAU European Museum of Urology
Maximilian Nitze, 1848-1906 from Dresden and the Viennese instrument maker Joseph Leiter, 1830-1892, developed the first viable cystoscope. Maximilian Nitze was born in Berlin on 18 …
Max Nitze, the cystoscope and urology - PubMed
Results: The invention of the cystoscope by Nitze revolutionized endoscopy but his true genius lay in his lifelong pursuit of better methods to diagnose and treat patients with urological diseases …
内镜发展史--硬式内窥镜阶段(1806-1932) - 搜狐
2016年5月14日 · 1879年柏林泌尿外科医生Max Nitze发明了第一个含光学系统的内窥镜(即膀胱镜),其前端含一个棱镜,用电流使铂丝环过热发光并以之作为光源,也就是Bruck的照明方 …
Max Nitze, the Cystoscope and Urology - ScienceDirect
2006年10月1日 · Maximilian Carl-Friedrich Nitze (1848 to 1906) designed the modern cystoscope, providing a foundation for urology. The historical literature, including the original writings of …
Maximilian Carl-Friedrich Nitze, MD (1848 – 1906)
Maximilian Carl-Friedrich Nitze, MD was born in September of 1848 in Berlin, Germany. He studied medicine in Heidelberg, Würzburg and Leipzig. Nitze obtained his medical degree in …
泌尿传奇:尿路结石的历史138 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1891年,柏林的尼采Max Nitze尝试开发一种内镜膀胱碎石器,他以欧尔特路鄱器械为基础,因尺寸和材料所限,他苦苦努力了很多年。 英国的芬威克Fenwick则尝试避开尿道,开发一种穿刺 …
泌尿传奇:里奇斯医生与他的膀胱镜 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年12月9日 · 最早有实用价值的 膀胱镜 由德国人Max Nitze 和奥地利人Josef Leiter 设计制造,时间是1887年,同一年,在伦敦医院 芬威克 医生Edwin Hurry Fenwick的支持下,这种膀胱 …
[The biography of Maximilian Nitze (1848-1906) and his ... - PubMed
Maximilian Carl Friedrich Nitze was born on the 18 of September of 1848 in Berlin the capital of Prussia. 1869 while still being a Student of the Heidelberg University the first nephrectomy of …
[Maximilian Nitze (1848-1906): Obstetrician to urology] - PubMed
Maximilian Carl Friedrich Nitze was born on the 18th of September 1848 in Berlin. In 1874 he passed his state examination in Leipzig for a doctorate in medicine. Nitze demonstrated the …