Max Steel (Character) - Fandom
Max Steel is the main protagonist and titular character of Max Steel. They consist of the fusion of the Takion-human hybrid Maxwell McGrath and the Ultralink named Steel. They form a symbiotic relationship in which Max's T.U.R.B.O. Energy is controlled and harnessed by Steel.
Max Steel (film) - Wikipedia
It chronicles the adventures of teenaged Max McGrath (Winchell) and alien companion Steel (Brener), who combine their powers to form the superhero Max Steel. Filming began on April 29, 2014, in Wilmington, North Carolina and concluded in late May 2014.
鋼鐵麥斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《鋼鐵麥斯》(英語: Max Steel)是一部2016年 美國 科幻 、 動作 和 冒險 電影,改編自 美泰兒 旗下的玩具《超能量戰士 (英语:Max Steel)》。 該片由 史都華·韓德勒 執導, 克里斯多夫·約斯特 (英语:Christopher Yost) 撰寫劇本,並由 班·溫契爾 、 安娜·薇拉法妮 (英语:Ana Villafañe) 、 安迪·嘉西亞 、 瑪莉亞·貝蘿 和 比利·斯勞特 (英语:Billy Slaughter) 等人主演。 電影正式於2014年4月29日在 北卡羅來納州 的 威明頓 開拍,為 海豚娛樂 (英语:Dolphin …
Max Steel (2016) - IMDb
Max Steel: Directed by Stewart Hendler. With Ben Winchell, Josh Brener, Maria Bello, Andy Garcia. The adventures of teenager Max McGrath and his alien companion, Steel, who must harness and combine their tremendous new powers to …
Max Steel - Wikipedia
Max Steel was an American media franchise produced and owned by the multinational company Mattel. Originally released as a line of action figures marketed from 1999 to 2022, the Max Steel name has expanded to live-action movies, animated series, and video games.
Max Steel: The Complete Series - YouTube
This Playlist is a collection of the entire Max Steel Reboot Series. I was able to find almost all the Episodes of Max Steel (Seasons 1 and 2) in decent qual...
影片根据电视系列动画片改编而成,讲述了少年麦克斯偶遇外星伙伴Steel,二者只有通力合作才可以变身成为一名拥有巨大力量的钢铁骑士(Max Steel)的故事。
钢铁骑士 Max Steel (2016) - 豆瓣电影
2016年10月14日 · 故事讲述16岁男孩麦克斯(Max McGrath)和母亲居住在一个小镇上,他的科学家父亲当年在他出生后不久就神秘死亡,麦克斯拥有一种他自己都无法控制的超强能量,直到遇到有着先进技术的外星人Steel后,才学会运用它,“钢铁骑士”就此诞生!
Watch Max Steel - Netflix
After 16-year-old Max moves to his late father's hometown, he meets a snarky alien and discovers an amazing — but dangerous — power surging within. Watch trailers & learn more.
Max Steel - Rotten Tomatoes
Steel (Josh Brener) is a funny, slightly rebellious, techno-organic extraterrestrial who wants to utilize Max's skills. When the two meet, they combine together to become Max Steel, a superhero...
- 评论数: 21
- 内容分级: PG-13
- 类别: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action, Fantasy