Maxicyp 20% - Kyron Agri
Hand spraying: 10ml MAXICYP 20% per 10l water. Withdrawal: Meat: 7 Days. Milk: none.
Maxi-Cyp 20% Dip – PetX - Online
Maxi-Cyp 20%. Cattle and horse dip. Controls ticks, kills lice and aids in the control of nuisance flies and biting flies on cattle. Also controls ticks on horses. Oxpecker compatible. Dosage …
Ascendis Maxi-Cyp 20pct - Agrimark
ASCENDIS MAXI-CYP 20PCT. Cattle and horse dip. Controls ticks, kills lice and aids in the control of nuisance flies and biting flies on cattle. Also controls ticks on horses. Oxpecker …
When MAXI-CYP 20% is used for the first time it is recommended that heavily infested cattle be dipped until they are free of ticks. Fortnightly dipping thereafter may be followed except in the …
Maxi-Cyp 20% 1 litre - Midlands Veterinary Wholesalers
Maxi-Cyp 20% 1 litre. Register/Login for Pricing. 41 in stock (can be backordered)
Maxi-Cyp 20% - OBARO Online
Maxi-Cyp 20%. Maxi-Cyp is a cattle and horse dip. Used for controlling ticks and flies. It also kills lice and flies on cattle and horses. It contains cypermethrin 20% m/v. More information. View …
Maxicyp 20% 1L – Comvet Animal Health - comvetsa.com
Controls ticks, kills lice and aids in the control of nuisance flies and biting flies on cattle. Also controls ticks on horse.
Maxicyp 20% 1L – Fynbos Animal Hospital
2024年3月31日 · Cattle and horse dip. Controls ticks, kills lice and aids in the control of nuisance flies and biting flies on cattle. Also controls ticks on horses. Oxpecker compatible. …
Maxi-Cyp 20% (Prices from) - For the Farmer
Cattle and horse dip. Controls ticks, kills lice and aids in the control of nuisance flies and biting flies on cattle. Also controls ticks on horses. Oxpecker compatible. DosageSpray race, hand …
Maxi-Cyp 20% Dip | PetX - Online | Reviews on Judge.me
Maxi-Cyp 20%. Cattle and horse dip. Controls ticks, kills lice and aids in the control of nuisance flies and biting flies on cattle. Also controls ticks on horses. Oxpecker compatible. Dosage …