MaxxBCL | Hardware - Waves Audio
Waves MaxxBCL combines award-winning compressors, bass enhancements and limiting processors in a rugged hardware construction designed for live applications.
硬件母带处理器 Waves MAXXBCL 详解 - 硬件 音频应用
maxxbcl的接口是非常全的,主要都集中在后面板 左边开始第一个是电源,maxxbcl的电源是国际电源,要注意的是指示电压的箭头在右边而不在下边,必须把220v对到右边的箭头上才切换到220v工作,这里一定要注意,因为一旦烧毁变压器可没地方配去啊。
Waves MaxxBCL - Reverb
MaxxBCL is more than just three powerful Waves tools. It’s a solid piece of hardware with state of the art transformers, 48 bit double precision processing, 96 khz, 24 bit, 125 db dynamic range.
Waves MaxxBCL - Sweetwater
The MaxxBCL offers 96kHz, 24-bit resolution with a 48-bit, double precision internal processing path and a dynamic range of ~125dB. The totally passive analog input path to the ADC uses Waves custom state-of-the-art transformers, while the output path also features Jensen analog output transformers.
Waves - MaxxBCL - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
MaxxBCL提供平衡与非平衡的模拟输入/输出接口,以及数字输出/输入接口,包括AES/EBU和SPDIF格式,支持最高96kHz,并且带有精确的电平表。 共有 1 条评论 2012-06-21 rogergan
Waves Maxx BCL 母版处理数字处理器 - ycsound.com
MaxxBCL是Waves现场音效处理上的第一把交椅。 它世界级的低音增强处理功能、压缩以及限制模式,再加上坚毅的外壳设计,让MaxxBCL适用于任何型态以及大小的现场表演。
waves maxxbcl 对比 bettermaker limiter - 硬件 音频应用
就母带压线而言,maxxbcl除了ad入数字出的模式下相对于软件有一点优势以外。 其它方式基本上等同于软件l2的效果,那也是内部牛的功劳。 与其说它的压限好不如说过一个不错的硬件牛再过软件l2的效果也不错,bcl的adda品质非常高,waves公司要是把bcl的adda部分 ...
Waves MaxxBCL - Reverb
Waves MaxxBCL for sale. MaxxBCL includes three powerful, proven processors. MaxxBass® uses psychoacoustic technology to create a lower, deeper sense of bass. The Renaissance Compressor provides smooth, consistent dynamics control, while the L2 Ultramaximizer™ delivers loud, powerful presence and punch.
Brand New Waves Maxx BCL / MaxxBass / MaxxBCL / L2 | Reverb
MaxxBCL includes three powerful, proven processors. MaxxBass® uses psychoacoustic technology to create a lower, deeper sense of bass. The Renaissance Compressor provides smooth, consistent dynamics control, while the L2 Ultramaximizer™ delivers loud, powerful presence and punch.
Waves MaxxBCL效果处理器 - 百度文库
Waves MaxxBCL效果处理器-MaxxBCL将三个著名的软件效果器MaxxBass Enhancer(低音增强器)、Renaissance Compressor(文艺复兴压缩器)、L2 Ultramaximizer Limiter(超级最大化限制器)联合在一起而组成,其数模与模数转换器也超越了以前的L2 Ult