S PRO Tyre | SUV Tyres | Car Tyres - Maxxis
The S PRO is designed to provide a smooth, quiet ride with impeccable grip for contemporary SUVs such as the BMW X5, Audi Q series and Porsche Cayenne. Long-lasting tyre with great mileage; Impressive wet and dry tyre performance; Designed for agility for spirited driving; Featuring rigid design for motorway stability and comfort
Maxxis S Pro - Tyre Reviews And Ratings
The Maxxis S Pro is a Ultra High Performance Summer tyre designed to be fitted to SUV and 4x4s. Tyre review data from 4 tyre reviews averaging 57% over 30,000 miles driven.
- 评论数: 4
請問Maxis S-Pro, 有人用過嗎? - Mobile01
2015年12月21日 · 這款MAXXIS S-PRO讓我非常滿意 高速行駛非常安靜,和Michelin Latitude HP相比有過之而無不及 尤其在國道水泥剛性路面也不會太吵,算是把噪音頻率抑制在不惱人的狀態 尤其有三條寬大排水紋,北美測試濕抓是AA等級 雨天比Michelin Latitude HP更上一層樓
低調的一哥-Maxxis S-PRO休旅車胎 - Mobile01
2019年3月12日 · s-pro本體 胎紋 本人在2008年購入了二代Hyundai Santa Fe,當時原車配胎是Maxxis HT760,這條胎舒適性不佳、胎噪也大,乾濕抓更是都不行,到後期嚴重衰退像個化石胎,唯一優點就是很耐磨,用了約10萬公里才到安全線。
Maxxis S-Pro Tire: rating, overview, videos, reviews, available sizes ...
The Maxxis S-Pro is a summer tire designed for light trucks and SUVs, focusing on delivering a smooth, quiet ride with excellent grip. Released in 2014, this tire is engineered to meet the needs of high-performance SUVs like the BMW X5, Audi Q series, and Porsche Cayenne.
休旅與轎車的好搭檔 Maxxis S-Pro & i-ECO | 未分類 - CARNEWS
2014年6月3日 · 本次Maxxis所推出的S-Pro輪胎,產品定位為歐系高性能SUV車種的選配用胎,採用高強度胎體簾紗與耐隆環帶,讓輪胎能有更好的支撐力,並有效降低輪胎變形量,同時也讓磨耗更為平均。 S-Pro採新型Silica配方,能提昇輪胎的使用里程,而高速時所生的高溫,則能讓分子鏈結更加緊密,以加強車輛穩定度。 此外,S-Pro對於排水性也有所著墨,胎紋方面採3+1縱向排水溝及非對稱花紋設計,能兼顧加速性與循跡性。
Maxxis S Pro - Tyre reviews and ratings
Find the best tyre for your car read 4 reviews for the Maxxis S Pro and compare to other Four Wheel Drive tyres at tyre reviews.
S PRO Tire - maxxis.pk
A summer asymmetric UHP designed for premium sporting SUVs, the S-pro features a water groove design that minimizes pipe resonance for a quieter and more comfortable driving experience. The S-pro also features a new hybrid profile design for maximized road contact and improved overall wear.
Maxxis S-Pro tyres - Reviews and prices | TyresAddict
The S PRO is designed to provide a smooth, quiet ride with impeccable grip for contemporary SUVs such as the BMW X5, Audi Q series and Porsche Cayenne. Long-lasting tyre with great mileage Impressive wet and dry tyre performance
Maxxis S-pro | What Tyre | Independent tyre comparison
Improved grip and stability with low noise levels at high speeds. Tread grooves designed to ensure faster water dispersal, for shorter braking distances and outstanding wet road grip. Reinforced shoulder design provides excellent grip when cornering. Tread profile designed to create an even contact area, for longer tyre life.
- 评论数: 30