Mazda 323 Electrical Problems — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
1992 Mazda 323 - just replaced the alternator and car ran OK for a few miles. Now at times the discharge light comes on and vehicle looses power, radio quits working and lights go dim. This problem comes and goes. Battery holds a charge so I don't think that is the problem. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Mazda 323 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
I badly need a new (inexpensive) car and I'm looking at a '92 Mazda 323 with 140K on it. It's in mint condition and has been driven by a widow since '92. (Honest. I've met her.)I can probably get it for $3,500 Canadian. The thing is, I've heard a lot about Mazda's bad reputation for …
Mazda 323 - Page 2 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Hello, everybody. just bought myself a "93 Mazda 323, and I'm wondering what the normal operating temp of it should be. it's relatively warm around here right now about 20-25 celcius (68-77 F). the temp gauge sits steady at touch below 2/3 when warmed up. the radiator looks fine, it's running green coolant and no leaks. it's tuned up, fresh oil ...
Mazda 323 starting problems — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
hey dudes, i got a mazda 323 that won't start if its wet and cold, anybody got the same problems? Learn more about Mazda 323 at the Edmunds.com Car Forums! Read real discussions on thousands of topics and get your questions answered.
Mazda 323 - Page 6 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Hi -- I'm new to this forum, which I'm glad I found. This is probably going to seem like a rather ridiculous question, but here goes. I own a 1991 Mazda 323, which still runs quite well after 120,000 miles. I'm going to be taking on more maintenance myself after a number of years of just letting my shop handle things. (Long story.)
Mazda 323 Engine Problems — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
hey guys i have a problem with ma mazda 323 stalling which is od for automatics. i have put a new fuel filter in/ new spark plugs/ new air filter/cheecked my leads and distributor/ ive even had my batt tested and its fine. wot other things could cause this never ending mission 4 me? it also has new trans and engine head new tapet gasket/ new oil and filter and sump plug. in other …
Mazda 323 - Page 9 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Learn more about Mazda 323 at the Edmunds.com Car Forums! Read real discussions on thousands of topics and ...
Mazda Protege5 Maintenance and Repair - Page 26 - Edmunds
This is a well-known problem (according to my Mazda service rep) so I am a bit surprised that this was not mentioned to you earlier. The EGR gets fouled up and in effect chokes the engine. The other services (timing belt, transmission fluid replaced) sound like good ideas considering the age of the car but seem unrelated to solving this problem.
2003 Protege Alarm Keeps Going Off — Car Forums at …
2017年9月13日 · Hi guys, I came back from a 5 week holiday and found my car battery flat. After I jump started it the alarm just kept going off. That's the first time something like this happened and I wasn't even aware that my car (Mazda Protege 323 2003) had an alarm installed). It turned out that the battery had to be replaced.
Honda Fit Interior and Passenger Comfort Concerns
Dimensions I'm looking for are length and wideh of the cargo area with the rear seats folded flat. The volume only comes out to 30 cu.ft. This does not make sense to me, as I have 43 cu.ft. in my Mazda 323 hatchback, which is 6 inches lower and 6 inches narrower than the fit - and has a much longer hood. Or are the Fit's wheel wells huge?