Audi RS6 vs Mazda 6 - CarsGuide
Are you looking to buy a car but can't decide between a Audi RS6 or Mazda 6? Use our side by side comparison to help you make a decision. We compare design, practicality, price, features, engine, transmission, fuel consumption, driving, safety & ownership of both models and give you our expert verdict.
Audi RS6 vs Mazda Mazda 6 Comparison - CarExpert
Need help deciding between an Audi RS6 and a Mazda Mazda 6? Compare them side-by-side to make an informed decision.
Audi RS6 Performance 4.0 TFSI Tiptronic quattro (2025) vs Mazda …
What is the difference between Audi RS6 Performance 4.0 TFSI Tiptronic quattro (2025) and Mazda 6 2.0 Skyactiv-G 165 Center-Line Automatic (2024)? Find out which is better and their overall performance in the car ranking.
【奥迪RS 6】奥迪_奥迪RS 6报价_奥迪RS 6图片_懂车帝
懂车帝奥迪RS 6频道,提供奥迪RS 6报价,奥迪RS 6在售奥迪RS 6图片及价格,奥迪RS 6全部参数配置,奥迪RS 6最低多少钱文章,奥迪RS 6保养周期及费用等最新信息,奥迪RS 6最精彩汽车内容尽在懂车帝。
Audi RS6 Avant GT美國登場 限量85輛要搶要快! - Mobile01
2024年11月18日 · 在72,300美元(約新台幣227萬元)的價差中,RS6 Avant GT的準車主能得到什麼呢? 首先是性能提升。 4.0升雙渦輪增壓V8引擎經過升級後,可輸出621匹馬力與86.7kg-m的扭力,比標準車型增加了30hp以及5.1kg-m,並可在3.2秒內達到時速96km/h,最高時速可 …
Used Audi RS6 for Sale Near Me - CARFAX
What is the price of an Audi RS6? The average price for an Audi RS6 is $109,992. Save money by selecting from 8 of CARFAX Great Value vehicles available. CARFAX value is unique to each vehicle according to such factors as service history, accident history, and mileage. How many Audi RS6s have no reported accidents or damage?
奥迪RS 6 Avant - 一汽奥迪官网
奥迪RS 6 Avant performance,高性能旅行车的实用美学,名副其实的“地表最强”,以极致性能与超强实用性,承载与释放“瓦罐粉”们执着的梦想与情怀。进入奥迪官网了解奥迪RS 6 Avant performance 更多配置及价格信息
RS 6 Avant GT - 一汽奥迪官网
RS 6 Avant GT 标配可调式螺旋弹簧悬架,车身高度降低 10mm,配合三路可调式减震器,真正实现动感与舒适的和谐统一。 专属车身拉花,阿科纳白漆面结合奥迪运动经典的黑+灰+红配 …
奥迪RS6 Avant GT中国限量66台开启预售,灵感源自经典赛车
2024年12月27日 · 12月26日,奥迪宣布其高性能车型RS6 Avant GT正式在中国市场开启预售,限量发售66台。 这款新车的设计灵感来源于传奇赛车奥迪90 quattro IMSA GTO,融合了经典赛车涂装,并大量采用碳纤维材质外观部件,以彰显其独特身份和卓越性能。
Audi RS6 vs Mazda CX-80 - CarsGuide
Are you looking to buy a car but can't decide between a Audi RS6 or Mazda CX-80? Use our side by side comparison to help you make a decision. We compare design, practicality, price, features, engine, transmission, fuel consumption, driving, safety & ownership of both models and give you our expert verdict.