Mbombe 6 - Wikipedia
The Mbombe 6 is a mine-protected, high-mobility armoured fighting vehicle produced by Paramount Group from South Africa [1] that was launched in 2010. "Mbombe" is named after an African warrior. [2][3] The Mbombe 6's unladen weight is 16 tonnes. Its maximum combat weight is 27 tonnes with a crew of 11.
Mbombe: Revolutionary low-profile infantry fighting vehicle
The 6x6 Mbombe is a highly agile low-profile infantry fighting vehicle, able to carry considerable payloads over all types of terrain. Revolutionary new technology provides outstanding mine protection, while the flat bottom hull reduces the silhouette to under 2.4 meters.
Paramount Mbombe 6x6 Armoured Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2010年11月3日 · Mbombe is the first vehicle of its kind to offer all-round protection against rocket propelled grenade (RPG) attacks, improvised explosive devices (IED) and anti-tank mines. The vehicle can be deployed in both conventional and non …
Mbombe 4: Next-Generation Armoured Vehicle - Paramount …
Displaying a striking new design, packed with the latest technologies and capabilities required for the modern battlefield and ever-evolving threats, the Mbombe 4 offers outstanding levels of protection, mobility and flexibility.
Paramount reveals latest version of its Next-Generation Mbombe …
2024年6月27日 · The Mbombe 6 offers next generation resilience against landmines, IEDs, side blasts and RPG attacks, achieved by flat-floor mine technology that provides outstanding mine protection without resorting to a traditional V-shape design.
Mbombe 8 Infantry Combat Vehicle - Army Technology
Mbombe 8 is based on Mbombe 6×6 armoured fighting vehicle and is intended to meet modern tactical operational needs of the land forces. The first advanced prototype will undergo extensive mobility trails in near future, following which production will begin in South Africa or Kazakhstan.
Next-gen Mbombe 6 Infantry Combat Vehicle unveiled - Military …
2024年7月3日 · The Mbombe 6 offers next generation resilience against landmines, IEDs, side blasts and RPG attacks, achieved by flat-floor mine technology that provides outstanding mine protection without resorting to a traditional V-shape design.
Mbombe 6 6X6 步兵战车正在为拉丁美洲和 SADEC 客户生产
2023年9月17日 · 高度通用的 Mbombe 6 是世界各地武装部队在不同地区环境中保护公民免受威胁的持续战役中装备独特的资产。 该车辆可以执行广泛的军事任务,不仅限于反恐、边境巡逻和维和任务。
乌克兰武装部队推出Mbombe 6装甲战车 - 搜狐
2024年4月26日 · Mbombe 6是南非派拉蒙集团于2010年推出的一款防雷高机动装甲战车。 “Mbombe”是以一位非洲战士的名字命名的。 Mbombe 6 的车体符合 STANAG 4569 4 级标准,这意味着该车辆的车体或任何载台可承受 10 公斤 TNT当量 爆炸。