[Release] mBot Fast Setup Tool - elitepvpers
2018年3月29日 · [Tool] mBot AC (Auto Login for mBot) 10/28/2024 - SRO Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 75 Replies mBot AC is an auto login tool for the Silkroad Online bot, mBot. Auto logs/relogs mBot characters while detecting all known mBot errors and bugs (works with iSRO, cSRO, rSRO) Encrypted ID's and Passwords. Start training after login.
[Release] MBot - Fixed for Windows 10 by FΣΔΓ - elitepvpers
2015年8月15日 · Discussion on [Release] MBot - Fixed for Windows 10 by FΣΔΓ within the SRO PServer Guides & Releases forum part of the SRO Private Server category.
[Myth] Multiclient with Mbot/Sbot/Normal (no Clientless!)
2013年9月16日 · mBot Tutorial. Just unpack the MythReborn_MC.rar and replace all other files. Now start Replacer.exe; If you want to Start your mBots just click the Button 'Start mBot' If you want to Start your clients with the mBot just click the Button 'Start Client' You will see that the sro_client.exe Size will change. sBot Tutorial. Just unpack the ...
[Tutorial] Setting up MBOT to trade automaticly [Video
2016年7月12日 · [Tutorial] How to install mBot&(Video) 08/15/2012 - SRO Private Server - 1 Replies Hey guys, this is my 2nd tutorial which I've now uploaded, as you can see since the last video, I've 'upped' my microphone sound.
[Release] Electus mBot loader | Source - elitepvpers
2017年1月14日 · [Release] Sarkolata's Remote mBot Helper [Source Code] 10/02/2022 - SRO PServer Guides & Releases - 6 Replies Hi, Since I saw people like to develop stuff like this, this might be a useful source code for you. The client/server communication is trash but getting information/clicking buttons locally might be useful. Coded in VB.NET.
[Release] mBot Crack! ([VSRO] Current version: 1.12b)
2020年8月8日 · Similar Threads: Looking for current version of S-Bot crack 06/08/2013 - Silkroad Online - 12 Replies Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew where I can find a clean current version of S-Bot crack.
[Release] Mbot Patcher/Fixer (No Loopback Adapter Needed
2014年9月11日 · This is my version of Mbot Alternative Login. This will work on all Operating System (as long as mbot works on your pc before). This does not need Any loopback adapter or socketspy! How to use: 1. Download and open vsroMbotPatcher2.exe (See attached file) 2. Open your Mbot (you must use this version of mbot -> ) 3. Click "Patch" button 4.
[Release] Full Mbot Version [Pservers] - 2020 - Page 2 - elitepvpers
2020年1月13日 · normal mbot have virus between 40-45 nothing harmfull. the mbot version i took and edit have only 30-35 viruses. •Less Virus that wont say its 100% safe. but its 99.99% safe its just the official mbot edited to make it 100% work for everyone, Mbot wont do any harm to people they have over milion of users.
[mBot] "An unknown error occured while checking for a mBot …
2012年9月8日 · Mbot "0000" Problem! Brauche Hilfe! 11/19/2011 - SRO Private Server - 3 Replies hey, wie die mbot user wissen aus auf atomix zumindest alles bugged mit "000" habe die lösung schon im prinzip gefunden mit config-> translate=0 usw. nur ich finde nicht heraus welche zahl die lösung ist.7 oder gibt es eine andere? mfg
[Release] vsroMbotPatcher3 - Quick Fix for "Not Logged in" error
2015年7月5日 · 2. Open your Mbot (you must use this version of mbot -> ) 3. Click "Patch" button 4. After the patch, Exit the Program. Note : You can also use this for multiple mbot, since it can detect and patch them one by one. Set Your Regional and Language Format to "English". Can be found in "Control Panel > Region and Language; Hit thanks if i helped ~~~~~