Management by wandering around - Wikipedia
The management by wandering around (MBWA), also management by walking around, [1] refers to a style of business management which involves managers wandering around, in an unstructured manner, through their workplace (s) at random, to check with employees, equipment, or on the status of ongoing work. [1] .
走动式管理 - 百度百科
走动管理(management by wandering around,简称MBWA)是指高阶主管利用时间经常抽空前往各个办公室走动,以获得更丰富、更直接的员工工作问题,并及时了解所属员工工作困境的一种策略。
MBWhatsApp 1.7.1 - Download Official MBiOS APK (2025)
2025年2月28日 · MBWhatsApp is an iOS-themed WhatsApp developed by Stefano YG from MBMods. The main concept of this MBWA is to provide Android users with an iOS experience. Dark and Light themes are available to apply. However, it supports some third-party themes. MBiOS comes with a com.mbwa package name.
走動管理(management by wandering around,簡稱MBWA)是指高階主管利用時間經常抽空前往各個辦公室走動,以獲得更豐富、更直接的員工工作問題,並及時了解所屬員工工作困境的一種策略。
MBWA Meaning: Tips for Management by Walking Around
2022年4月4日 · MBWA is an acronym for “management by walking around”—in other words, intermittently leaving your office to interface directly with teams of employees. This allows you to hear firsthand how you can improve your entire business’ workflow. Learn more about the meaning of MBWA and how to implement this strategy.
Management by Walking Around (MBWA) – The Essential Guide
2020年7月28日 · The so-called building blocks you must focus on to practice MBWA and not just end up randomly walking about. There are three elements, which are essential for the style: walking around, striking up conversations, and creating networks. These are the key objectives the management must focus on in order to implement an MBWA strategy.
2014年1月9日 · 美国很多企业的管理专家,都在做着这样一件事情,叫做Management by wandering around,简称为MBWA。这是什么意思呢?就是走动式管理。美国有一个人叫培洛。培洛以前在IBM公司的时候,是IBM公司排名第一的推销员,曾用17天完成了全年度的销售任务。
MBWA Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
What does MBWA abbreviation stand for? Explore the list of 23 best MBWA meaning forms based on popularity. Most common MBWA abbreviation full forms updated in July 2023.
Management By Walking Around Explained By a CEO
2022年10月12日 · Management by walking around, otherwise known as management by wandering around (MBWA), is a management style that involves strolling around the work area in a seemingly unstructured manner. Managers spontaneously stop for a conversation with employees, learning more about equipment, functions, and processes in the workplace.
Management By Walking Around (MBWA) - What Is It, Examples
Management by walking around (MBWA), also known as management by wandering around, is a managerial technique in which managers walk around their employees' workspace at random intervals to interact with them, monitor project progress, and observe office activities.