MC145151/2 p2 calculation dip swich vs xtal divader
2019年5月27日 · I do not understood part about DIPs14 on MC145151. How I get dip sw position for 14DIPswitch If i need in exsample 98.800Mhz step 50 or 100khz divader 8 10 or 64... ? - - - Updated - - - This is schematic since 1993... I lost documentation for calculation... And now I wont to know how to calculate, if I use different divider and xtal...
Questions about ..Motorola MC145151-2 PLL - Forum for Electronics
2004年11月9日 · pll mc145151 Papyaki has good advice. At PDout, the series R41 and shunt C20 form a high frequency spike filter, and the IC6 is used as an integrator with R42 & C19 forming the lowpass pole frequency, and R43 & C19 forming the zero needed for stability.
MC145151 - Forum for Electronics
2023年5月25日 · MC145151 is a Integer PLL and there is no such model for it. You do essentially not need a model for this PLL. Every details has been clearly explained in its datasheet and all you have to do is to apply its typical schematic.
[moved] mc145151 in all bands HF PLL oscillator
2008年1月5日 · Each CD4516 IC will control the status of 4 bits MC145151 divider, then these three IC will control the 12 bits divider. By simply taking the 10bit divider (1024), then the other 4 bit dividers (MSB) are used to determine the initial VCO work.
MC145151 for only 457KHz and 453KHz Switches position?
2008年1月5日 · Please help me set this PLL switches for A: 457KHz B: 453KHz Which switches do I need to close? This is to be applied to the BFO of the FRG-7 receiver shown. Any thoughts where to connect the varicap to vary the frequency of the BFO with the minimum mods to the radio, will be appreciated.
PLL design - guidance required. - Forum for Electronics
2007年2月21日 · mc145151 design I am designing FM transmitter 88~108Mhz with PLL. This will hv .5Mhz steps. Using MC145151-2. & MC 12073P single modulus prescaler. Datasheet of MC145151-2 attached herewith. I got this old IC's from a friend. Using 4 Mhz crystal at pin no. 26-27 then devide by 512 with...
FM PLL. Dip Switched VS microcontroller based. Noise issues
2008年1月5日 · One that uses a microcontroller and LCD and another one which uses DIP switches and a PLL chip like the MC145151 to set the frequency. I have red somwhere in the past that DIP switched PLLs are better because the noise is lower, due to the absense of a microcontroller on the loop.
MC 145152 synthesizer - Forum for Electronics
2005年12月10日 · mc145151 tutorial Hi again: Dear Dave I had seen the datasheet of MC145152 before. In that document freescale has offered an active loop filter with the equations of damping factor (zeta) & natural frequency (ωn). if i use this loop filter, how should I define damping factor & natural frequency to make my synthesizer work well?
Oscillator - Forum for Electronics
2022年12月27日 · There are three doublers to multiply the crystal oscillator. Why don't you use a Colpitts 440MHz oscillator to drive directly the PA. You can also use simple PLL like MC145151/2 or similar. The circuit will be more reliable and simpler and much consistent in regard of tuning and adjustment.
74HC390 but Quad, does it exist???? - Forum for Electronics
2008年1月5日 · One other off beat solution might be an MC145151-2. This contains a crystal oscillator and a 14 stage divide by N counter. The counter division can be set to any number between 3 and 16,384 with fourteen programming pins. It can certainly divide by 10,000 (or just as easily 10,001 or 9,999)